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Sketchpage 003 by Barkenspit

Sketchpage 003


"...Although mammalian, Hounds developed the ability to birth their young early by laying them in a leathery, egg-like coat and left to grow together in clutches of ~6. Pups are born precocial: mature enough to think and act without help from their parents. The clutch stays together as a pack temporarily to learn crucial survival and social habits..."

Valcoup was the first to hatch from their clutch, then Jimmy, Jess and three others after that. The pups were born before the season of Gryps; a bit late in the year. All lived close to the nest at first; hunting and scavenging for food. Until they caught the attention of Scalpers-a group that harvests the blood and organs of Hounds for the creation of illegally modified Red Eggs.

They were trapped inside their nest with nowhere to go. The Scalpers began to smoke them out, creating a panic inside. Somehow, all six managed to escape. They fled far enough to find a town: Kettlerun. There they stayed for a short period as pest control for the local brewery and farm. Slowly, the pack split up; each hearing of separate towns that caught each of the pup's attention. None have heard or seen each other for months.

Until all were destined to find each other again in Blacksands...

This one is from one story I call "Dvst"

Shade-less ver.

Submission Information

Visual / Digital