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Balina batters up her friends by Balina

Balina batters up her friends


Succubats have evolved an extremely specific and extremely accurate sense that allows them to only become attracted to (and therefore bond) with a host that would be more comfortable with the body that the bat would grant them. When asked for an explanation for how this could possibly work, biologists generally throw up their hands and state it to be some form of natural magic, especially when considered alongside the rapid transformation hosts undergo when a symbiote sinks its fangs (or 'chirpers') into a host.

For the sake of convenience, bats are usually considered to have the same gender as their preferred hosts; "male" bats only go after people who want a masculine body, "female" bats for those would rather present feminine, and "non-binary" bats* tend to be somewhere in the middle (or outside of this entirely), handled on a case by case basis. Hosts retain their symbiote's ability to pick up on gender, and can typically assist bats that have trouble finding a suitable target, and bats will typically call out to others when they find a target that they personally cannot bond with, but might be of use to others.

Individuals with an extremely specific (or extremely nebulous) gender identity can completely baffle these senses, leading to swarms that don't necessarily know how to handle an individual and react in unexpected ways.

* "non-batnary" is a joke that only hive members ever laugh at, and usually only out of politeness.

Art: Ficus Ficus (original)
Alex: blueberrysnow blueberrysnow

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