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Ashley is the right tool for the job by Balina

Ashley is the right tool for the job


Drones are the Korps' ultimate proof that all people can be made useful. No matter your background, prior beliefs, or body type, you will serve to the best of your abilities. If your abilities are insufficient, new ones will be provided.

That is not to say that every drone is interchangeable for any other. Shortly after conversion, a drone is put through a rigorous series of tests and exams to determine what duties the new unit can best accommodate, and if further modifications will be necessary. Smaller specimens, such as mice, are a relative rarity in occupied territory (the Korps enjoys making things larger, but seldom finds cause to make anything that isn't an electronic circuit any smaller), but are prized for their superior agility and reception to Korps gene treatments.

This particular drone is one of Counselor Dakós' personal favorites, and is equipped for combat situations with a variety of stealth and infiltration modules. Working in tandem with other units, she is usually slipped behind enemy lines to incapacitate reinforcements with little more than a light-duty stun lamp and a knife, while larger and louder drones break down the front door.

Art: KrakenTango KrakenTango (original)

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Visual / Traditional