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Through Death & Love - Character Model Sheet 10 by Bagheera

Through Death & Love - Character Model Sheet 10


An old character model sheet for Through Death & Love, from 1999.
Please see the description for this piece for background info on this story.

Lebornni was one of the cheetahs that chased Habiti/Hawa up a tree (an event taken directly from The Leopard Son), who later became his personal friend. Unfortunately, due to changes to the storyline, the later iterations of the story no longer had room for the role of the cheetahs. They still make a brief appearance in the final iteration, however, to chase Hawa up a tree. :)

Tow, likewise, was based on the young hyena in The Leopard Son who the leopard tried to play with. Her character was heavily revised throughout the iterations of the story. In the final iteration, she is named Madi (Tswana, "Blood") - and lost just about all the smiles and friendliness you see in the childish illustration here. Unlike her origin as silly sidekick, Madi is now the ambitious, ruthless, stonehearted, calculating, and immensely powerful matriarch of a large hyena clan. She does still meet Hawa when she was young - similar to how it happened in the documentary - but that meeting now plays a crucial role in how Hawa later forms a pact with her for his war against the lions.

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