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Character design tips #2 - Character perportions by Axial

Character design tips #2 - Character perportions


Welcome all to a new series of tips, tricks and advice that may help you design/redesign a character. Please note Firstly I am NOT a professional, im just forwarding my observations!

Second tip is accociated with Character perportions and scaling.

A character's appearance can be completley changed just by adjusting how large or small a part of their body is compared to the rest of it,

Generally speaking larger heads are accociated with children and innocence, as it magnifies the eyes and emphisies how small the character is, Chibis are often biased toward this perportionality.

Larger bodies may suggest that the character is emphisising their size and strength, and the ability to not only take a hit but dish one out as well. It may also suggest to the viewer that the character could be gluttonous, or just like their food.

Larger/longer legs makes the character look slender, and tall. This perportionality is perfect for villians as it is often seen as being quite sinister. However it could also be used for a character that is very good at sports such as jumping or running.

A good balance that works for me is to make the legs and body at roughly the same height, and make the head about half of it, but dont be afraid to experiment and play around with the perportions of your characters as well, as everone is different and you may find something that works better for you!

If you have any further questions feel free to post them in the comments below!! Ill answer them the best I can!



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