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Murasaki "Call me Violet <3" by AuraTwilight

Murasaki "Call me Violet <3"


Murasaki is a nine-tailed 'kitsune', and all that implies. He's cute, adorable, lovely, and charming. An extrovert to the max, and usually the life of the party. He's never satisfied, always seeking more men to pleasure himself with. He'll demand the finest foods, the most extravagant entertainment, and all of his current lover's attention and devotion, going as far as to pervert their mind and soul with his magic. A lover who disagrees with him is hardly worth his time...

Murasaki usually ends up destroying whoever he takes a fancy to, but not in any way as gracious as merely killing or eating you. He eats what made you, you. You're scooped out and made a fleshpuppet tailored to meet his fancies and interests of the moment, and when he's done playing with you, he'll shelve you and forget about you.

He's a nine-tailer, and kitsune, being the semi-divine spirits that they are, cap at that number of tails; and those at that level wield magnificent power. There are tails of nine-tailed kitsune crafting entire worlds within a small box, bigger inside than on the outside, or of shapeshifting into the moon itself, or all the stars in the sky. Some kitsune have even gained 'all the knowledge there is to be' with their ninth tail, seeing all that transpires and knowing all that has and shall occur.

Murasaki is...different from these fellows. He was born with his nine tails, for he's not truly a kitsune at all, but an abberation. He was observed, not born, and came into awareness as what he is now, his memories inconsistent and changing from moment to moment. He holds on to being 'Murasaki the fox' for as long as he is able.

He wields a frightening and fearsome power. Though he doesn't have the all-seeing eyes of his kin, he wields power they have never dreamed of, for What he Wills, is True. One could say he's not insane at all, for insanity is when your mind doesn't cope with reality. But what do you call a mind who has reality dance to their inner madness?

Murasaki gets what he wants. That is his power. He forges the world anew upon the smithy of his soul, and though he has beings who outclass him and earn his fear, they are truly mighty indeed.

Murasaki is my fucking murrypurry hypno-fetish Mary Sue character, and also a part-time villain in my main plots. This image was done by my delightful and precious   monochromekanon, so thanks again, hun.

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