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interstellar overdrive by atoms

interstellar overdrive


trading with Hiddenstash

i uh... sent your cat flying through space

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Visual / Digital


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      good, the drawing, or good that i rocketed her cat off into the cosmos


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        i meant the latter, but the former is also good

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    oh man. i love this so much - the colors, the soft, ethereal nature of it. the fact you put her in space, and most of all the half-a-tube-sock you put on her tail. you have a real gift for natural flow and feeling in your art. and the colors used in this are so calming. i really dig this you did a great job, thank you. im going to pimp this all over the interwebs now

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      i am so incredibly flattered

      i took the half tube sock from one of the photos from your gallery !:} to tie in the drawing from something real

      putting her in space, seemed, to me, something you might appreciate :}

      the words you say... a gift.. its an honor to hear that

      i was actually so afraid you wouldnt like it!!

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        no, i love it. my boyfriend has hardly ever seen the quality of user generated art on the internet, and even he was blown away at this. he was the one who took the photo of her with the sock, so we both pretty much AAAA'd in joy when we saw it. i look forward to seeing more of your art! & thank you again

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          all i can do is smile and blush


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    GLEE i just discovered the file size is begin enough to wallpaper. youarethebest<3

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      your drawing of mask was similarly big... it seemed only fair, to return the favor


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    Lovely space kitty <3