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Overdrive Otter, your next opponent! by Asrael

Overdrive Otter, your next opponent!


My otter sona as a Maverick in the MegaMan X style! I've always loved this aesthetic, and Rollwulf had an event that I managed to get in on!

Overdrive is tasked with deep-sea exploration and species cataloguing. His four arms are equipped with multiple maneuvering jets for mobility in the intense pressure and complex currents of the deep ocean. For the more delicate or unusual specimens, he can use those jets to carefully collect them without risk of damage. His multiple sensor arrays allow him to navigate without need for light, and he's equipped with enough firepower to take down some of the more dangerous creatures that he can't outrun.

As a result, Overdrive can be a formidable foe to face. His armor is hardened to survive 20,000 psi of pressure and extreme temperatures on both ends of the scale. Even though his jets aren't as powerful above water, he can still use them to suddenly change his momentum or buffet his opponent with high-pressure air and water.

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