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The exercise has now begun! by ArrowQuivershaft

The exercise has now begun!


Arrow Quincy Vershaft had a bit of a rough childhood. He was born to a fairly privileged family on Terra Buteo, and went to good schools. But with a culture that places heavy emphasis on achievement and honoring the family line of both the mother and the father, positional jockeying on Terra Buteo can be notoriously brutal, even amongst children. And Vershaft wasn't exactly cut out for that, and this quickly led to issues as he fell behind his peers in social status.

Unwilling to let him fall behind, his parents took action. When he was 9 and a half, they invested significant resources to enroll Arrow in the Accelerated Gmelin Academic Training and Education program. An out of date military listening post on Gmelin, the uninhabitable second moon of Terra Buteo, had been turned into a state-of-the art training and educational facility to give extra attention to the children of any parents who could afford it, seeking to make them more productive.

Detached from all social influences, the school was run like a military academy, attaching success to all privileges and rewards, seeking to nullify political skill with peers in favor of sheer capacity. Arriving shortly before his tenth hatchday, Vershaft spent four years in this program undergoing intense schooling in nearly every area, from math, science, and computing, all the way up to simulated zero-G combat, welding, spaceship repair, damage control, and space tactics and command.

So here he is, entering into the zero-G chamber for an activity! In this one, he and his team must first secure an area from hostiles, and then perform damage control to get the 'ship' back online to keep them alive.

Drawn at Anthrocon 2011 by   sandyschreiber
Just Cause setting copyright   truebluejay
Arrow Quincy Vershaft copyright myself

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Visual / Traditional