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Twice the Huggings by ArmedDillo (critique requested)

Twice the Huggings (critique requested)


That's one more kind of hug I'd like to get someday. But that one's most certainly not ever going to happen, 'cause how many four-armed people are there in the world? Ahh well.

I've been drawing that bun a lot recently, haven't I. Hopefully I'm not the only one who likes seeing him, 'cause I still wanna draw more of him!

I'm kinda satisfied and unsatisfied with this pic; I figured out how to make more vibrant coloured shadows, which is good, but now the characters' proportions are all out of whack! I'm not complaining, though; it's good pose practice and I'll try not to stretch torsoes so much next time. Plus I just like the idea, so you know, I'm not unhappy about it.

I might be starting to run low on ideas for now; that means I might post more slowly before too long. I'm glad to have had the drive to actually draw a lot and post recently, though, and I'm very happy for all the feedback I've gotten! It's very fulfilling to actually do something like that, being proactive and all about it. It's also tiring, but worth it, if you ask me.

Oh yeah, happy Easter, also. I never know when it is and apparently it's tomorrow?
Mind = blown

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Visual / Digital