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The Zol Brothers by Arctacia

The Zol Brothers


While Arctacia has been known to be the last of his kind, he's not necessarily the last of the Tythrans altogether. The Arctacians learned from the Tythran Purge and made adjustments to ensure a more successful project. During this, they did manage to discover that the original prototype Arctacia, was in fact sabotaged. The viral code was so carefully interwoven within the code that only deep inspection could reveal it. It was obvious from this that the sabotage would have been made at some point during the later stages of development. A time when such deep inspection was not likely necessary, but before the prototype had instances of itself made to ensure this viral code was copied to all others.

After some careful investigation and narrowing down the list of suspects, it was determined who the individual was that created this mess. But both fortunate and not so for the developers, this person was nowhere left to seen. They had fled at some point after the trap was set and most definitely before the action took place when the Tythrans were activated.

Now we look ahead to when a second generation of Tythrans were made. Ones that obviously do not have the viral code the old ones possessed and without the worry of anything going wrong, at least with intention. Still, careful tests and observation were done to ensure there wouldn't be any other agents that would wish the same fate as before. Much like the first generation of Tythrans, this generation also had a prototype to ensure the new platform worked. Arctacia Zol was of course the prototype for the original generation of Tythrans. His name literally means "Of Arctacians origin." The word "zol" meaning "origin" in Arctacian. The name of the second generation prototype was Demyrl Zol. "Demyrl" was Arctacian for "rebirth" and was thus aptly named. When this second generation went online, things went off without a hitch.

Later on, Demyrl and Arctacia did manage to meet up with each other. They took a liking to one another and not unusually so considering in a way they are deeply related to each other. Demyrl was in fact nothing more than a revision of the original platform that Arctacia ran on, minus the viral code and some further tweaks to tighten an already impressive C.O.R.E. system. The two became known together as The Zol Brothers and represented an impressive milestone in Arctacian technology. An actual living and conscious AI core built onto a mostly organic platform.

Often times, the Arctacians were shrouded in much mystery. To this day, even Arctacia is not fully sure of their intent, other than they do seem to mean well and wish to preserve the balance of the realms. After all, that is what is important. Isn't it...?

Art done thanks to emmii

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