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Kissa Entry .Robin. by Angelos

Kissa Entry .Robin.


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This was originally submitted November 5th 2013 on my dA account
on dA

Was for a draw to adopt contest type thing for an adopt agency on dA though from what I know it was never judged even though it was so long ago?? So I have no clue who is the winner/who owns this cute little kitty @w@" I'll update when/if it gets judged.

I hope you can see the shading this pic is quite dark sorryyyy ;u;"

I'll try to upload a bit more over the weekend but welp still kinda sucked into pokemon atm I just spent like 5 hours or something today playing.. most of which resetting for a xerneas with good stats weeps I did it though I'm quite happy about that XD

below is the original description from dA

oh gosh I really shouldn't be drawing buuuutt squeaks I couldn't resist a chance to get a Kissa from MCAdoptables@dA ;v; ❤

Lots of fun ahh I wanted to go really vibrant with the colours ahh I forgot how fun highlighted lineart was it makes everything pop a lot more especially with dark colours~ Went ahead and finally sorta conquered my fear against bright blue/green shading (it looks more green due to the multiply layer setting) and you know I think it looks pretty good XD
Those big chubby paws were really fun gosh I just wanna squish them! I hope it's alright the tail sorta turns a bit mist-y/fire-y I just thought it'd fit her ouo;

I imagine Robin would be a playful Kissa that's very smart and likes to use those smarts of hers to play tricks on people and overall cause some mild mayhem. She's bold and daring, but also caring and will never go too far and always makes sure in the end everyone is laughing and happy.

Ok I gotta go now uwaa back to bio homeworkkk so many midterms it's gonna be a crazy few weeks; if I'm a bit slow to reply to things sorry! I'll be doing my best!

Art © Angelos || Ange-ll-os@dA
Desgined by & Keiju Kissa species closed species belong to Sambees@dA || MCAdoptables@dA

DO NOT REPOST, EDIT, COPY, USE, REDISTRIBUTE, "REFERENCE" or TRACE etc... My art is not for free use or part of the public domain! Use in any way, shape, or form without my written permission will result in me reporting it. All rights reserved. Thanks!

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Visual / Digital