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Self Portrait Sketch by taala

Self Portrait Sketch


I want to one day always feel this comfortable with myself.

"Stop hating your body type. It's Taala's, which means it is beautiful and sexy "

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Visual / Sketch


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    I don't get it.

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      Drawing personal artwork is already an emotionally difficult process, and then drawing myself with my bigger body type doubled the amount of anxiety - but after it was done, I felt more confident in my art and in myself. There is nothing to get. Just an artist wanting to portray their struggles into a body postive doodle :)

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        Body positive? What's that?

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          It means actually liking your body shape - rather than constantly wishing it looked more like society's 'ideal' body (Which is usually way too thin) and hating yourself for it. Body positive means your form looks good to yourself.

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            Is that different from medically healthy?

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              Not really - in fact the ideal thin can easily go into 'underweight' which is quite unhealthy, however the opposite where if you're too big to move easily and it causes health issues - then it would be a good idea to lose weight to keep yourself from getting sick.

              However, this is for people who are medically healthy - but feel their body is unattractive. Being body positive means you simply like how your body is.

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                This "body positive" is a real thing people ponder over?

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                    I used to be a pretty big guy myself when I was in high school and I won't lie and say the battle to keep excess pounds off my frame will stop anytime before I'm dead. From what the search engine is pointing to, this "body positive" thing strikes me as some profoundly cruel attempt to deceive vulnerable people who're sensitive about their bodies who could benefit from some mood bolstering words of encouragement, dietary discipline and some regular exercise.

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                      I'm sorry the search engine brought it up as such :/ - cause the latter part of your statement is correct for people who may want to lose weight. Truth be told, I didn't draw this to start anything. I drew it because I wanted to draw a picture of me liking how my shape looks now. And that's all.

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                        No need to apologize, this exchange is a good one. Unless we have our own search engine, we won't control what they find, but we do control how we let people influence us. I'm just disappointed that an opportunity to help folks who only see the flaws in themselves has been used to deceive them rather than help them. I gave up following mainstream media years ago, and dropped social media around the time twitter and facebook replaced myspace. Nowadays, it looks like people are acting like the characters out of a George Orwell novel. It's just insane.