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Pendulum Dance by Amby

Pendulum Dance


Keep your attention focused on the reading, for what you are reading now is all you need to know for now.

With each breathing, you'll feel better.

Notice how every word becomes more relevant than the last one and the entire text becomes increasingly interesting and easy to travel through.

Every sentence and every paragraph gradually conveys more and more relaxation and pleasant feelings that you might start to find enticing and very welcoming.

With each breathing, you'll feel a lot better.

Just like a pendulum, your gaze waves from left to right along your pleasant reading that's written here and it leisurely gives you off a warm sensation running through your body everytime you breathe in and it fades slowl when you breathe out, just to return every time you inhale some more air.

For now, all you need to do is take it easy and let your body become more and more relaxed with each word that you read as your attention becomes more keen and fixed on the page, so keen in fact that all noises will be blocked out and there will only be peace and calm.

With each breathing you'll feel even b-- zzz...zzz...

Well, yeah... this picture is a little, humble piece of fanart for my darling friend dynosaur, swinging his hips to the beat of my pendulum raised over his head while his pants slowly slide down.

Rated M for bulge.

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Visual / Digital


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    The subject swinging to the beat of whatever is hypnotizing them is something I love so much.