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Find My Friend [Commission for KingDead] by AlkaliRoo

Find My Friend [Commission for KingDead]

KingDead Commission Story (Geemo and Mr. Labrador)

MrLabrador [11:48]: Hey, are we still getting lunch together? o3o

Labby typed out the message 10 minutes ago, and still no response from Geemo. The canine sank into his seat at the food court and sighed. There had to be a better way to hang out with friends. Finding friends was a nightmare. The back-and-forth of texting had its use but sometimes Labby wanted something more immediate. Something that could make a friend appear right away.

As he waited, the idea struck him: there actually was an app that could do just that! The Labrador pulled up a new application labeled ‘Find My Friend’ with a grin. A few minutes of flipping through contacts and… there! Geemo’s profile picture appeared on screen, along with a general location and his current height. Laboratory, About 6 Feet Tall. With a final confirmatory finger press and a ‘boop’ from the phone, Labby felt an electric shock course through his chubby body.

The change was immediate, and much faster than he’d expected. His gut pressed into the table he sat at, and the chair cracked in half sending him tumbling to the floor. Whoops. Labby blushed and brushed off his clothes as he stood; thank goodness this app had clothes saving functionality. The food court went totally silent as Labby loomed over the rest of the patrons. He waved down at them. Then his head and shoulders bumped into the solid glass ceiling above, 20 feet in the air. That’s when the patrons’ screaming started.

News trucks were on the scene in moments, just as the enormous, fat canine burst through the mall’s ceiling with a frightful roar. He took one huge step forward, clearing the roof of the mall easily and stomping out into the parking lot. Cars bounced up in the air with each step he took. Countless tonnage wobbled and swayed. 100 feet of Labrador made its way out into the streets and seemingly toward downtown. Was he planning to go on a rampage? Oh, the humanity!

TV sets and radios everywhere reported on the rampaging monster’s trek toward the bustling metropolis. Small quakes from far away turned larger and heavier the closer he got. Helicopters followed close behind the monster, circling around his head and gut to get the best angle possible of the action. Whoever the giant Labrador was, he didn’t seem to pay any attention to them. Instead he was singularly focused on his trip toward the city!

Except, that is, for a short snack break when he picked up a grocery store and ate it whole. Even giants got hungry apparently.

But wait, what’s this? A breaking news report came in from the other side of the city. It seemed the giant canine wasn’t alone! A large, brown-furred, winged wolf was approaching the city from the exact opposite direction. Two giants rather than one. Just how unlucky could one city get?

As the titans locked eyes, they stopped their approach. Each of them broke into a grin and started to run toward each other. The increased pace of stomping set cars and buildings rocking in their wake. Concerned police officers and reporters redoubled their efforts to follow the monsters, to halt their destructive path or to catch the action, respectively. Did these giants know each other? Were they friends, or enemies? Just what could a battle between these two monolithic beasts mean for downtown in collateral damage? The shock! The horror! Stay tuned for more coverage of this developing situation!

Finally, they met in the middle of downtown. Most of the skyscrapers were the same height as the giants. With a single swipe either of them could cause untold amounts of property damage… the city held its breath, waiting for either of them to make the first move.

They reached out and… hugged? Officers on the ground breathed a sigh of relief, and everyone watching their TV sets collectively ‘awwww’ed at the showing of friendship between two enormous furs. Now that people weren’t panicking anymore it sure looked like they were friendly; no back spines or fangs or huge claws. They were even wearing clothes! The evacuation effort sputtered to a halt as everyone collectively began to head home.

“You should’ve answered your phone messages when I sent them to you!” Labby chided.

Geemo shrugged. “Sorry, I was busy. You know how I get when I’m in the lab and I zone out,” he explained. Labby sighed and put an arm around the giant, wingy-wolf’s shoulder as the two walked downtown. Their feet thudded in time, shaking the city to its core but no one seemed particularly bothered by it now.

“Just keep an eye on your phone next time. You still hungry?”

“Starving. Growing 100 feet tall really builds up an appetite,” Geemo said, licking his lips. “But I’m always willing to be a bit bigger. Just skip the phone next time and go straight for the app.”

“Well I had a snack already on my way here, but we can still get some more. I know a great burger joint nearby; let’s go clear them out,” Labby said. His stomach growled its agreement. “Everything smells good at this size and- oohh, there’s the baseball stadium! Let’s catch a game and eat some hot dog stands.”

Find My Friend [Commission for KingDead]


New on the app store, Find My Friend! With the touch of a button, you and your friend will be giant and able to find each other in an instant!
(Disclaimer: we are not at fault for any resulting property damage.)

This Story Includes:
Phone apps
Two Friends

Commission story for KingDead, for his friends Mr. Labrador and Geemo!
You can find KD here:
You can find Mr Labrador here:
You can find Geemo here:

Submission Information

Literary / Story