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Flabrador by AlkaliRoo



“Look, I’m just saying, you could probably stand to be a little bigger, that’s all!” Alkali said. Labby chuckled and shook his head. Alkali was nothing if not consistent at least.

“But what if I’m happy with how I look right now?” he asked, patting the top of the kangaroo’s head. “Eight feet tall is plenty enough if you ask me. You’re already barely up to my chest.”

Alkali shook his head. “Unacceptable. You’ve gotta be Biggest Lab. A giant Flabrador.”

“You just brought this subject up so you could make that joke didn’t you.”

“I admit nothing,” he answered, sucking on his soda.

Labby shrugged and kept walking. There was no talking Alkali out of it. The roo was well known for shooting for silly large sizes. It’s not that he would be unhappy being larger, just that he didn’t see any reason to actively try to get bigger. Doors were already plenty challenging. Wide and tall as he was, Labby couldn’t imagine having even more trouble getting around. Clothing stores special ordered his Hawaiian shirts and hats to fit now that the Big And Tall sections were a little on the small side. Being large enough to cuddle with smaller folks was all Labby wanted for normal, everyday stuff.

“Well alright, how big should I be then?” he asked. Labby crossed his arms and stopped on the sidewalk just in front of Alkali’s house. “Hypothetically that is. If given the chance how big would you want me to be?”

“I already told you. Biggest Lab!”

“Right, but how big is that actually?” he repeated, tapping a paw on the sidewalk. This time Alkali actually seemed to pause, putting a hand to his chin. He seemed deep in thought; Labby could practically see the steam coming from his ears. After a minute or two the roo perked up as if a lightbulb appeared over his head.

“Maybe it’d just be easier to show you,” Alkali said, a devilish glint to his eyes.

Wait, what. Labby started to back up, hands in front of him. “Woaaah, calm down now. I don’t need a demonstration. It was just a hypothetical question,” he said. But it was too late now. The roo had his eyes set on making a much larger yellow mountain. He reached into a pocket and Labby winced. This was it, he was gonna pull out a growth ray or something else insane and it would all be over. The canine closed his eyes and awaited his fate.

But nothing came. Instead, he found something sweet pressed into his lips. His eyes shot open again, confused by the delicious tasting chocolate in his mouth. Alkali hugged his tum, arms pressing against his soft sides. That was not what he’d expected at all. Nor had he expected to be given something quite this delicious to munch on. He chewed carefully before swallowing. He still didn’t fully trust Alkali yet.

“What was that anyway?” the Labrador asked.

The roo looked up and grinned. “A chocolate snack cake of course. What did you expect? Didn’t say anything about getting taller. Maybe I just wanna see a fatter Labby instead,” he answered innocently. Labby didn’t trust that smile for an instant. But he couldn’t deny that the snack had tasted pretty good.

“Well… you’re not off the hook yet. But do you have more of that?” he asked, licking his lips. Alkali smiled and hooked his arm around his canine friend’s back to lead him inside. The trap was set. He passed yet another of the chocolate treats to the Labrador’s paw. His friend didn’t suspect a thing; the kangaroo prepared to pull out even more of the fattening food from his bag. It was a bit of magic shared to him from a friend with mutual, growing interests. Similar to a bag of holding in that there was an infinite dimension inside, but instead it generated food infinitely. Just reach inside the bag to a pocket dimension and pull out as much as needed.

Labby was willing to admit that this wasn’t what he’d expected from the roo, and was a much nicer turn of events. He felt his guard lower gradually with each bite. The taste of the food certainly helped grease the wheels; the chocolate was rich, dark and filling. This wasn’t like any store brand snacks, with dry cake and sugary whipped cream filling. These tasted more like a restaurant’s dessert, chocolate fudge inside a dark chocolate brownie. The canine’s tail slowly wagged atop thunder thighs and a plush rump.

“Okay fine, they’re pretty tasty. Where are you getting these things anyway?” he asked before flopping on a couch. The springs inside squeaked. Cushions this size were used to a normal sized kangaroo rather than an eight-foot-tall Labrador. The furniture didn’t complain nearly as much when Alkali took a seat next to his friend, scooting nice and close. One outstretched hand held another small chocolate cake, while the other rested on the canine’s tum.

“That’s a secret. I’ll tell you once you’ve had your fill. Sound fair?” Alkali teased.

That didn’t sound fair at all, but what could Labby do? He huffed and plucked the snack away from Alkali. “Fine. But only if you keep making some more of those. Haven’t had cake that sweet and moist for a long time.”

The roo wasn’t content with simply making only chocolates though. Soon his attention turned to creating other sweets, pastries and candies. A whole cheesecake with strawberries and blueberries on top. Boxes filled with snickerdoodles and chocolate chip cookies. Gallons of ice cream. Labby diligently ate everything that came in front of his muzzle, but he couldn’t help wondering just where everything was coming from. His ordinarily tightly packed Hawaiian shirt strained with the added food mass that made its way into his tum. The buttons on front held fast for now, stretching out as the yellow fur beneath the shirt started to become visible in between the buttons. A flabalanche was building behind that fabric and would only be released when the shirt gave up its fight. Beneath his slowly expanding tum the belt that held his pants up was having its own battle for survival. After a whole tray of brownies made its way into his muzzle, Labby had to take a moment to undo the belt entirely. He only meant to loosen to a new belt notch but the second the metal clasp was free his belt popped open all the way. His pants button and zipper followed suit immediately after. The canine was about to ask for a break from his kangaroo feeder, but the second his mouth opened he found another slice of cheesecake pressing into his tongue. Oh well… it tasted so good he couldn’t help but ignore the protests building in the back of his mind.

The blue couch buckled under the steadily increasing weight of its canine occupant, as the padded seats fell through the bottom of the couch and to the floor. Once again Labby considered trying to stop eating; he was nearly filling the entire couch from side to side now. Sure it wasn’t that large in the first place, only meant for maybe two normal sized people. But even at 8 feet tall he shouldn’t have been taking up all the space available. His pants were close to shredding with the effort of holding his muffin top inside, while his thighs were covered up by a gut that spanned down further than his knees. Alkali was easily able to rest on top of him now, using his belly as a makeshift loveseat.

All Labby’s protests seemed to die on his lips each time the roo placed another chocolate or sweet in his muzzle. And Alkali certainly wasn’t slowing down either. He’d sunk nearly a foot into the Flabrador’s tum, wiggling happily into the soft and warm mass. It was a bit like a gurgling, wobbling water bed. The movement was nearly enough to jettison the roo off Labby when the canine’s shirt finally broke. His gut flopped forward onto the ground suddenly with a heavy thud, shaking the house lightly.

“Oof,” Labby said, panting lightly. The movement was enough to distract Alkali momentarily, so he could finally get a word in edgewise. “Can we take a break for a second? This is… a lot of weight. And I’m getting pretty full roo.” He still wanted to ask where all the food was coming from too. One issue at a time though. First he needed to be sure the roo wasn’t going to add another entire ton of weight to his frame. He tried to stand up off the remnants of the couch but found it was a little too difficult with Alkali resting on him. His wobbling rump made for a comfortable enough seat on the ground but he wasn’t looking to be immobilized by this overzealous marsupial.

The roo didn’t answer. He was busy using all four of his limbs to rub against his belly bed. The yellow fur ran through his fingers, squishing gently into the soft flab. He finally looked up at his friend’s face, grinning nice and wide. “A break? Nah, you still aren’t at Biggest Lab size yet,” he stated, tail thumping gently into the adipose ridden gut.

“What? Now just a second, how ‘bout you calm down with all the food. And tell me where you’re getting all this stuff too,” the canine said, trying to bring his arms up to pin the kangaroo in place. His tum was too overstuffed for Labby to properly reach though; most of the food hadn’t been digested properly yet so it was mostly belly weight. Unable to reach he settled with just glaring at Alkali.

“Hmm. Okay fine, you caught me. All the food is coming from this,” Alkali said, pulling the Bag Of Food out from his pants pocket. The black fabric shimmered under the light, like it was made of a starry night sky. “It’s a magic item that lets me make an infinite quantity of food, all coming from a pocket dimension inside this handheld bag. Pretty helpful when trying to make a friend the correct size.”

“That sounds… dangerous. The food never ends in there? So you could just keep stuffing me with more and more delicious treats and just never end?”

“That’s the idea! Speaking of which,” the roo said, scooting up on Labby’s belly shelf until he was closer to his friend’s muzzle. “Open wide.”

“Wha-” Labby started. He made the same mistake yet again though, giving the roo a moment with an open mouth. This time though instead of something tasty he found fabric pushed past his gums. The canine sputtered and coughed, his mouth trying to reject the foreign object. In the process though he found it was actually drawn to the back of his mouth and with an accidental gulp the Bag Of Food went straight down his throat. His eyes went wide, and he looked down at Alkali’s shit-eating grin. There was only a moment’s pause before the Labrador’s stomach started to vibrate. It gurgled much more violently this time, as if trying to process something that was clearly not meant to be digested.

That brief moment of time was all Labby had to think before all hell broke loose.

Alkali instructed the helicopter pilot to land gently, carefully. “This isn’t a hard surface like you’re used to landing on so we might sink in a bit. Just take it slow,” he said. Sure enough, the helicopter nearly tilted to one side as it attempted its landing when the yellow furred surface wobbled and gurgled slightly. Even small movements across it had rumbling, earthquake inducing effects down on the ground though. For hours now the city was being rocked by tremors the likes of which hadn’t been seen in a long time.

The roo carefully jumped out of the helicopter and landed with a soft bounce. Each hop forward felt like he was on the biggest trampoline he’d ever seen, as his paws struggled to find enough purchase to move forward with. “Hey Labby! Can you hear me?” he called out, trying to get a grasp on his surroundings. The plane of yellow fur he was resting on shivered suddenly, knocking the roo’s feet out from under him as Labby shifted just slightly. Over the horizon of gold he saw a huge face appear, looking up over the top of his tum. Labby had been resting on his back, giant sized but still outclassed by the enormous tum resting in front of him. He’d spent the last several hours dealing with the effects of the bag that could magically produce an endless quantity of food, growing far beyond what he was used to. Hundreds of feet tall, thousands of tons of weight, all in less than a day. He was not a happy camper.

With a scowl, Labby said, “You have some good news for me, roo? This is getting a little crazy.” His body shuddered violently as with another burst of size he expanded out by several miles across the ground. The city was still far enough away to be safe, but at this rate that might not last long.

“Well there’s good news and bad news. Which do you want?” the roo said, wringing his hands together.

“Ugh, hit me with the bad first.”

Coughing into his fist, the roo shuffled his feet. “The bad news is, I talked to my friend who gave me that bag. And he says it will just keep producing food until you’ve digested it entirely. Which could take another few hours.” Alkali was knocked completely flat again when his canine buddy suddenly sat up, loomed over by a huge yellow face. Clouds parted around his torso as he did, the massive Labrador changing weather patterns simply with his movement.

“Another few hours? I’ll be planet sized! Or worse!” he yelled. Labby wasn’t able to stand up anymore now that he’d gained this much weight. He could still sit up and watch as his body shivered and expanded though. It would be pretty great if not for being immobilized and unable to stop it. With a sigh he placed a hand on his tum and tapped his fingers. “Fine. At least it’ll stop eventually. What’s the good news? Something to stop it sooner than that?”

“Nah, just wanted to say you’ve definitely made it to Biggest Lab status now.”

“…you’re gonna pay for this when I get back to normal, Alkali.”

“Love you Labby!”



Do not tempt Alkali by asking how large he'd make you if given the chance. Labby is about to learn that lesson.

This story includes:
Fat fur
Weight gain
A magic food producing bag

Something I'd been slowly working on for a few months. Just a gift thingy for MrLabrador MrLabrador. You can find him here or FA. He's a big, fat, yellow Labrador. <3 Hope you guys enjoy!

Submission Information

Literary / Story


  • Link

    I did enjoy! This felt very well-written. Very readable. The work you put into it definitely shows. Thanks very much for sharing it with us :)

    • Link

      Aww thank you! <3 Glad you enjoyed it dude