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Clash by AlienPeacock



You know! Its been a while, that I posted anything. I been thinking about things latley. When was (assuming that your a crash bandicoot fan) was the last time we had another crash bandicoot game? I mean since mind over mutant in, I think 2008, was that the year it was released? I cant remeber, anyway since that very crash bandicoot game was released there was no sign of newer game ever since it's probably been like 7 years now and crash bandicoot has been left in the video game grave yard ever since. Yeah was 2 other crash bandicoot games for the ios, I think it was wasn't it? Yeah I think they were both cart racing game under the name crash nitro cart i think. But yeah there was also roomer spread about there being one in development for the ps4, but to the fans disappointment that was a hoax, and of course there's those crash bandicoot fan games to but most of them you cant play because there either in development, abandoned and scrapped, or what ever, most of the ones you can play are either shit, or incomplete but okay like that crash bandicoot flash game someone.made.

Idk, I made this guy, his name is clash hes heavily based on crash and has a similar chaotic personality, if not worse since hes an inter-dimensional god like alien and a member such an alienrace, probably worshiped as one from many more races across many universes and as one associated with chaos, encountering many others, along with divine level threats along the way only for him to spin into everything with his companion nabu, nabu (based on aku, aku) as they get themselves into a lot of shit. And of course a conspiracy involving neuron vortex another god like inter-dimensional being who use to be clashes right hand man happened to be a scumbag that screws him over and is now an arch nemesis! And more characters based on crash bandicoot characters. Crash bandicoot is the reason why I made this character. I might expand upon it some more and do all the other characters later, and oh yeah improve his design a little and make a better drawing of him since this was just a rough doodle of what idea i'm trying to get at. And no I'm not going to make a crash bandicoot spiritual successor, yet, only because I don't have any of the skills necessary to make a game yet, let alone a highly engaging, and impressive fun one that's exactly the way I want it to be. But I'll get there with some learning and practicing starting with developing games totally unrelated first before I could make any of the games I actually want to make, and i'm well aware of all the things required to make games, and that its not easy and takes a long time (depending on the game your making and your level of skill) to complete, especially if its going to be a good quality one. Quality takes time after all, that's all I felt like sharing with you guys. I'll have more drawings up soon. I have another one coming up shortly anyway.... Maybe.

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