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The Blossoming Azure Sanctum by AlefGP

The Blossoming Azure Sanctum


A little seed, long ago planted and nurtured.
Born from Life herself and blessed by the greatest Luck.
Across the stars did that little seed go.
To every light in the sea of stars.
Stories of love, stories of adventure.
A tiny being who lovingly was called wuff.
To the side of so many friends, even those he did not know.
From the tiniest of sizes to the mightiest of scales.
Did the wuff's heart reach out and birth adoration.
Making the deserving grow, even as he became so small.
Yet never did he run dry of his infinite admiration.
And he received in kind their endless devotion.
To raise a child you must use a village.
Yet what then was needed to raise a godling?
A planet, a galaxy, a universe, a reality.

From a tiny seed in her palm, did Kami set him free.
To find his way in life, much like she did to save the Pontiho.
Yet full of doubt, worry and anxiety was little Alef.
A tiny wuff in an endless sea, cared by so many yet feeling so undeserving.
Yet from beyond Time did she come, a girl whose love was as vast as eternity.
A paradox whose start ended at the beginning.
Birthed by a woman who scorned the gods authority.
Birthed by a wuff who forever ascended the worthy.
The powers of the soul and the powers of the ethereal truths.
Luv did rise and brought endless devotion for her darling.

With love eternal did she bring so many to the Family.
To care for, to nurture, to give as he did to them.
And Alef, the little wuff, at last bloomed into his true being.
A godling made real, a birth long withheld by his own humility.
So adored in the moment of realization, that he would never be without love for all eternity.
Not with Luv by his side, not with those he adored giving back infinitely.

Kami, the Mother of Life
Hyva, the Daughter of Luck
Luv, the Scion of Family
Alef, the Son of Divinity

Forever together, forever growing, forever loved and forever giving. Together they are the Pantheon, the caretakers of Eternity. Together they are family, for eternity.

Alef © AlefGP AlefGP

Artwork © AlefGP AlefGP

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