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Five Years Ago... (New Ref + History of Aero) (1st Design) by AeroboltShadowVulpine

Five Years Ago... (New Ref + History of Aero) (1st Design)


Kay so, sucking at art aside...

Fives year ago today was the day I created this fox to represent me in a book that I had decided to start brainstorming at the time. Ah yeah... October 20, 2011 was a particularly nasty day at school... I was a freshman back then. Damn time flies... I was all kinds of fed up with the way things were with my life... So I wanted to create a character that would mirror myself for a story I wanted to write in order to indirectly vent to the world.
I wanted it from the perspective of an animal. At the time, my mind was in an internal struggle over whether I liked wolves or foxes more, so I took a fox's traditional fur pattern, and mixed it with a wolf's traditional fur coloring. Thus creating the grayish thing you see now.
Wouldn't you believe it? I created my fursona a full 15 months before I even knew about the fandom! It's NUTS! And ever since then, when I made my journey onto the Internet officially two months later, this character was my public face.
Towards the end of 2012 I started finding that I was leaning towards a liking for foxes and thought that the "folf" design fit a "dark fox" design a helluva lot more. And it really did. So shortly before I joined FA, I branded myself as the dark fox, hence, my username here being of "the dark fox" even though I am CLEARLY not as such anymore.
So on June 19, 2013 I started writing the book I was going to write for him which is currently being rewritten under the name Aegis of Iridescence
I completed it on February 26, 2014. Took me long enough to start writing the second draft...
HOWEVER on my birthday of 2014, my 18th birthday that is... I decided that the dark fox no longer fit who I was... so I redesigned Aero into what you saw in the other one. The Golden Fox... The concept of gold, to me, symbolizes triumph and power. 2014 was literal hell for my life and the fact that I made it out was a marvel. It was like revealing my triumphant, passionate self. It was also at that point where I decided that Aero and the subsequent fursonas to come would each represent one piece of my personality. Aero represents my passion and triumph over what I want and have accomplished.
I almost put Aero in Winter's Gallows... but I chose not to because of the idea that the book would end poorly four out of five times. Not fitting for a character symbolizing triumph... That, and I thought the cautiously shy and misanthropist-ic raccoon character I developed would be a far better lead.
And this is the history of my first character and what we've been through. He may seem like a puppet to represent me in this fandom... and he kinda is... but he really is more than just that. It's because of Aero that I continue enjoying my passions, as is why he represents my passion. Here's to finishing up a decade with this fox as mine...

The other reference sheet will be Aero's official design for 2017, by the way... I know it may be a bit early for this... but since this day is one to remember for sure in his history... cannot stop me from doing this... my friends...

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