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Commission - Zebracode - Fly-by by Adalore

Commission - Zebracode - Fly-by


Commission for Zebracode, on FA, of their character Nash! This piece is a part of my Vulcan Automata series.
This commission also involves WRITING!

Nash stepped free of the ship and drifted as the the unfamiliar null-g hardware calibrated.

Simulated senses helped him make sense of his surroundings, he felt the hum fade from the ship he disembarked from pull away to leave him to the vastness of it all. The planet below, his own home, shined with incredible radiance filling the entire scope of his primary vision, spilling over to Nash’s low resolution 360 optics. Sprawling seas and lands played across the surface, curving off to the now clearly curving horizons. Great clouds and mountains carving great shadows miles long.

Nash lingered.

Truly a thing that can’t be appreciated second hand.

His schedule tracker pinged him out of his awe. He had a job to do. He engaged the Null-g thrusters and maneuvered towards a distant speck. Gradually as Nash tracked the closing distance using doppler effects and signal intensity, the speck in the distance grew while the globe barely perceptively shifted.

The speck became clear as he closed in, a broad spacedock cradling the pride of the united government below. The First Odyssey, the first crewed ship to leave the solar system belonging to the native people. Nash was here to help with final external inspection on behalf of the Vulcan Automata.

He passed into the faux-atmosphere-field of the station which allowed more conventional movement with the right hardware, allowing at convenience swapping between thin atmospheric styled movement and vacuum newtonian movement. One of the technologies jump started by the Vulcan Automata merchants from outside the solar system.

Nash reviewed the to-do list as he glided past the length of the ship, he noticed off chance a figure in the observation deck.

He curved and bobbed around the huge length of the ship checking each element that the Vulcan Automata wanted checked, frequently related to adaptations of their technology or life support features in service of the crew.

Nash finished his inspection and broadcasted his favorable results. He gave the huge ship one last flyby and the figure was still in the observation deck. Done with his work he indulged himself and gave the crew member a thumbs up before drifting up and out of the way of the ship.

Again he lingered as the dock disengaged and let the hulk of a ship mechanical grace drift from the scaffolding. Nash’s felt his heart soar once more as the handiwork of his people took flight.

It was hours before he stirred from his perch watching the ship on the starry backdrop of infinite possibilities.

Submission Information

Visual / Digital