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Vulcan Automata - Ferret, Orientation Officer by Adalore

Vulcan Automata - Ferret, Orientation Officer


have put too much thought into a otherworld corporation that turned it's employees into android/cyborg things so they can interact directly with their too advance(And impractical) to be normally used tech.

I also feel too clever about Vulcan and Automata.

Vulcanization being a rubber treating method and Automata being programmed(by natural selection) responses from creatures.

So the process that they go through I'll refer to as Vulcanization to rubberify them and to program automata into them for uploading "training". Behavior Automata are not used too often unless the employee is a problem.

Submission Information

Visual / Digital


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    I have now upgraded my desire to own a ferret to a desire to own a robot ferret.

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    That looks amazing!
    How do I arrange to throw money at you to do that to one of my characters!

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      Well first we should sort out skype or something. And then things can be communicated for that commission thing. I'll note you my Skype user name.

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    While it was CryptRat collecting his picture that made me aware of this small series, and by extension you, it is this picture that draws the mind in. The line "The Admin AI is binary and always watching" is just the seed idea for a horror story. So many ideas of what this universe would be like.

    Important question though... is it an anthro universe, or do the employees start out as human?

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      Very undefined. :P It can be either. Once I get through my large queue which is listed on I'll be writing stuff on it to leave space for future expansion and maybe guest writing and art work. I to make sure there is a nice foundation of themes/tropes to build on.

      And on the line that you comment on, very intentional. From what I can tell the majority of robot stuff hard 'Borgs" the target and they have no free will any more, I want ot make it clear for this that the company needs problem solvers not drones. :D