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Ramliner Lauraceae [bubbleverse] by Accelerando

Ramliner Lauraceae [bubbleverse]


i painted with flat brush style this time. neon colors on spaceships are awesome!

the Webwork is a broad term encompassing thousands of interstellar cultures loosely united by a common FTL internet. hundreds of billions of souls call it home.

although data and upload minds can be transferred instantly via entangled-bit systems and power-sucking wormhole links, physical people and hardware must travel by slower-than-light spaceship. there exist hundreds of different types of spacecraft, but the most memorable are probably the Ramliners - the fastest vessels ever built, sucking down hydrogen from the interstellar void with colossal magnetic mouths, called ramfields.

Ramliner Lauraceae, pictured here, is one of the group of ships called the Fleet of Flowers, so named for their petal-shaped ramfield generators. it is loitering in orbit over a haze-covered world. like its counterparts, it is capable of drawing colossal power from a microscopic black hole - so long as the hole is fed quickly enough to remain stable.

because the Ramliners wield so much power, they can serve as FTL network routers, and frequently are parked in backwater systems to provide service or serve as relays for more developed worlds. developed worlds also keep reserves of them on hand as effective military deterrents.

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Visual / Digital


  • Link

    Oh wow this one is excellent.

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      thank you! c:

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        Sure. ^^ Wonder what it would be like to live there.