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NIMBUS by abraxus



Nimbus!!! A lightning/thunder elemental deity that
represents the strange kinship I have with rain and storms in general. You cans
see their pre-finalized design along with some facts over here at tumblr.

  • Their full name is ‘Cumulonimbus’ because you know, I’m
  • Nimbus travels hidden within storm clouds and how they move
    is similar to a snake’s slither or how an eel moves in water. They never touch
    the ground and how exactly they remain airborne for extended amount of time is
    currently unknown by modern day science, however it is theorized that it
    happens because of the otherworldly gases and energies they harbour within them
    (which is also the reason behind why they glow a bright blue colour.)
  • Nimbus came to earth via an electronic spacial-rift in time
    and space. For spookiness reasons, this rift opened up within the Bermuda triangle
    during a hurricane.
  • Since Nimbuses arrival, the rates of planes crashing due to uncharacteristic
    power-outages has risen dramatically. Some planes set off on journeys to never
    return, a possibility is that Nimbus confuses planes for prey-items and eats
  • Nimbus has also caused mass deaths in bird-populations, with
    entire flocks perishing in mid-air as they unwittingly fly into Nimbuses’ storm
    in confusion and delirium.
  • Nimbus is huge. When I say huge, I mean kaiju-level big. Big
    enough to eat a plane whole and leave no trace of struggle as previously
  • Nobody knows what Nimbus’ true gender is and how old they
    are, it’s impossible to tell because of their lack of external and internal
  • Nimbus does not have eyes but senses the world by detecting
    strong charges of electricity, heat and sound.
  • It is theorized that the reason behind Nimbus constantly
    creating storms is so that they can see.
  • Nimbus is constantly
    releasing hot-air, moisture, and spasms of intense electric charges that urge
    the creation of the storm clouds that Nimbus coats themselves with. Because of
    their electric charge, those who stand too close to Nimbus are doomed to perish
    and when Nimbus flies over a city - a power-outage occurs. But because Nimbus
    is constantly moving, this isn’t seen as abnormal.
  • When it comes to vocalizations, Nimbus sounds close to a
    blue-whale of sorts and they can harbour thunder-claps to their will. But when
    they are angered or in pain, they emit a low-pitched thrum known as a ‘sky

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Visual / Digital