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Vinyl Improv ~by Erika by dray-and-erika

Vinyl Improv ~by Erika


Shen recently aquired an old, beat-up record player for almost nothing. With the needle broken off and the speaker banged up, most would find it a piece of junk. But as long as you have a nice, pointy beak, you'll be able to listen to them tunes no matter what the condition. The only downside is she can't dance to the beat. =P

* * * For [LaRueScott] at FurAffinity, who has permission to repost. * * *

(RL Erika)
A couple years ago, I wanted to try my hand at drawing again, and offered a raffle with the contingency that the winners don't get mad if my art sucks. This is why. =P

Okay, I'll admit, it's not as bad as I expected, but it's also not as good as I had hoped. Besides the fact that I was WAY out of practice, it was also my first time drawing a bird that I can recall, and on top of that, I was returning to art by attempting what would otherwise be a rather awkward pose. Well, at the very least, I have the satisfaction of knowing at least one person will enjoy this. =)

This kinda resembles my brother's art a bit. I don't know if that was subconcious or if it was a coincidence, but I was hoping to shift my art into a more cartoonish style. It's something I need to work on, but with this picture, I pretty much put the pencil to the paper and watched what happened.

Lineart took maybe a half-hour. Did it with pencil and paper. Coloring took a few hours, on account I was still getting used to coloring digitally, and I had trouble figuring out how to get rid of the "dirty" look of the scan without having to redo the lineart digitally. I didn't like it without the shading, so I decided to fiddle around with different tools and stuff, until I finally decided to try out this one shading method I saw in a stream. I need some practice, but I liked the result, so I shaded this picture so that it'll be fair when I apply shading to the other two arts I promised. (Which, unfortunately, I never got around to 'cause, ugh, I hate drawing. And yet, I want to draw. So confusing!)

Had to get my brother to reinstall his scanner for the lineart. It's always nervewracking waiting to see if the device driver installation is successful.

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Visual / Digital