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Inktober #16: Vet for the Insane by Sparkyopteryx

Inktober #16: Vet for the Insane


So I lapsed once yesterday and wasn't able to get something done for Thursday but thank the spirits today I found a sketch I did earlier this year that was ready to ink to help catch me up!

Remember the Black Doctors I mentioned here in Alteir and the harpy Solphanae that I talked about? Not only is this happy, well-adjusted (imagine finger quotations when reading that) individual one of the original Doctors that took part in the Torn Wars but he is also Sol's savior and continued benefactor. He was the brilliant mind that was able to neutralize her highly mutable and virulent necromantic disease, for one. I promise I'll finish his concept sketches up so you have more context!

Here is one of the rare moments you'll see Tozoletum without his mask, laying bare his scarred face and prosthetic beak. He also seems to be in one of his moods so you might be less concerned with his appearance and more with what is in his hand...

Done with a mess of black marker, ballpoint, pigment liners and some white gel pen here and there. Setting and such are my intellectual property whereas the character himself belongs to MisterMidnight

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Visual / Sketch


  • Link

    Oh my god, this is so cool. lol

  • Link

    Don't worry, this won't hurt ... much.

    • Link

      That phrase sums this character up nicely. I even heard his voice in my head saying it.

  • Link

    Hmmmmm, reminds me of a Skeksis.

    • Link

      Oh really? Good! They were my original favorite bird monster and my Alteiran tengu appearance-wise are often inspired by them. Helps this guy is a vulture.

  • Link

    Oh man that face is awesomely detailed wow

    • Link

      This is why vultures are awesome and some of my favorite birds to draw, because facial details!

  • Link

    THIS. This. This is easily your best piece of the month so far. This is stupendous. The mood...well, it perfectly encapsulates the character in one of his moods. I could think of a dozen situations for this, and perhaps three times as many responses. Woe to whomever has stumbled upon the troubled Black Doctor.

    "Relax..." ~ Doctor Tozoletum

    • Link

      The best so far huh? I can see that. I seem to be sort of picking up momentum as my creativity is making a sort of snowball effect: the more I get into this the better the ideas and execution seem to come out. I've already got an idea of what my very last one will be for the 31st (which I might have to "cheat" and do early since Samhain is busy busy).

      Glad I could deliver. This sketch was way too good to ignore and I've wanted to finish it for some time; Inktober created the impetus and desire and I'm actually glad I was "shoehorned" into doing ink because I couldn't imagine this in any other medium now.

      • Link

        A little bit of cheat here and there is fair considering the 31-day exercise it is.

        I think somehow it must just be cosmic balance that you waited to work on this. Perhaps it may not have turned out so incredible if you had just went along with it from the start. Your inkwork continues to be my favorite thing you do.

  • Link

    Oooh, reminds me a bit of Dark Crystal :>

    • Link

      Hah, thank you! That is quite possibly one of the best compliments any of my art could ever receive.

      • Link

        aw well you are very welcome! I quite like it!