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Benson & Kevin: terminology and guidebook by emperorwolf

The Benson & Kevin Compendium: A guide to the world of Xlen and it's customs, history, and people.


Xlen: (z-len) a planet surrounded by a barrier of mysterious energy, because of this, interplanrtary communication is generally impossible. its sentient inhabitants are humans and anthropomorphic animals.

Human: a highly advanced and evolved form of primate, lacking any fur or claws, their skill in survival lies in their intelligence and ingenuity for invention.

Buki: (boo-key) politically correct term for the anthropomorphic animals that are not giants.

Giki: (gi-key) politically correct term for the anthropomorphic animals that are giant-sized. Gikis stand at a size Ten times larger than Bukis and Humans.

Gentiki: (gen-tea-key) a continent home to non-giants, giants are forbidden from even going within 1000 miles of this place.

Virada: (veer-a-da) the continent where all three kinds live together.

Fira Deralo: (fear-a, de-ra-low) the continent home to the Giants. for their own safety, non-giants are forbidden from entering the continent's proximity of a 100 mile radius.

Ildelessus: (eel-dell-ess-us) a continent where the decendants of the 'Cross Of Unity' from the 2nd Ravaging live, it is a Utopian Society of Idylic gardens and magestic cities, where all three kinds enjoy a sense of brotherhood no matter their size or race. however, outsiders are prohibited from entering its shores, and are punished with severe means.

Gentikan: (gen-tea-ken) the name of those who live on the continent of Gentiki, as well as what their language is called. gentikans are generally bukis, but humans are sometimes allowed to enter the continent as well.

Viradan: (veer-a-dan) the name of those who live on the continent of Virada, which can be humans, bukis, and gikis. it is also the name of the language used on this continent.

Firan: (fear-an) the name of those who live on the continent of Fira Deralo, the firans are only the giant anthropomorphic animals, there are no giant humans. the language spoken on Fira Deralo is called 'Firish'.

Ildelessian: (eel-dell-ess-ian) inhabitant of Ildelessus. the languages spoken by them are any one of the other three, but also a fourth, exclusive language that is unknown to outsiders.

Technomage: (tek-no-mage) the name given to those who possess the ability to channel magic through electronic devices. it is a very rare occurrance to find a technomage in modern times, however, because so many were mass-culled after the second ravaging out of fear. now, being a technomage is counted as illegal.

Bio-Construct: genetically superior creatures made through science, as a form of a Bioweapon, they possess enhanced physical perameters, senses, reflexes, and generally possess some oddity to their form, such as fur pigment, extra limbs, other organs, and so on. it is considered illegal to be a Bio-Construct.

The Ravaging: (refferring to the second ravaging) a horrendous war that took place on Virada, between Giants and Non-Giants. it was settled with a truce made possible by a mysterious third party of Humans, Bukis, and Gikis called 'The Cross Of Unity' in modern times, but were originally called the 'Dread Clan' during the war.

The Shattered Light/Flame Of The King: a group of criminals lead by Draco shay, who have all been mutated thanks to exposure to a prototype version of the chemical 'Henolin'.

The Order: a group lead by a mysterious brown wolf who goes by either 'The Emperor' or '999'
they are all originally humans from earth who were brought to Xlen in order to fight The Shattered Light.

Gliloutation: (glil-oh-tay-shun) a mystical power used by members of the order. it allows them to perform superhuman acts and gives them magical abilities. it also causes them to transform into an anthropomorphic animal dependant on their personality. gliloutation users must eat in order to suppress a power called 'full gliloutation' which causes them to become a megalithic feral version of their normal self. they must also take 'suppressant tea' to ensure that their human side stays supressed and maintain their modified form, because during battle, their human bodies are far weaker than their modified ones. if a gliloutation user posesses the power for six years or more, it becomes impossible to change back into a human because they lose their soul.

Megalith/Megalithic: a made-up word used in the story to describe the size that is ten times larger than a 'giant' character. for information's sake, this makes them 100 times larger than a 'normal' sized character.
another name for this size is brobdingnagian, and its polar opposite is homunculus, at 1000x the size difference.

Homunculus: a very small living being. in the story, a homunculus is 10x smaller than 'normal' size.

Project Legion: an evil military corporation on earth, who, against the wishes of their own planet, are trying to destroy Xlen.

Shadow/Shadow-Self: (based upon the Jungian archetype) a supressed side of the ego, embodying things that a person wishes not to admit about themselves. if a shadow is accepted by its 'original' in truthful means, it is assimilated into them and grants them mysterious powers.

Henolin: (he-noal-in) a chemical supposed to be a temporary fix to the overpowering weight of the giants on Virada, but the chemical mutated, and altered the land to match the strength of Fira Deralo's ground.

Continental tipping: an event that occurs when a landmass is overweighted, causing it to tip over or sink.

"The Great Co-Collision": the event where Xlen nearly collided with earth, caused by the spatial-temporal transportation (space-time teleport) of Xlen into Earth's solar System.

the grey room: another dimension that is the HQ of the order.

DSBIWO: (dis-bee-woah) DSBIWO stands for "Dysonian Surrogate Biotech Interface Warrior Organism" and is the synthetic body used by soldiers in the Legion of 1000 destroyers from "project legion".

Pirapactum: (peer-a-pack-tum) a name given to the monstrous form taken by the harbinger during chapter 43. however, the name is only ever used in the second series.

G-sizer: (jee, sizer) a device created by the character '999', it acesses a genetic code in gliloutation users, and allows them to cycle between homonculus, normal, giant, and brobdingnagian sizes.

shrinker collar: a very uncomfortable and bulky collar device that shrinks giants down to a tenth of their full size. it is experimental and expensive technology.

The Cypher Station Gridnet: a system developed by 999's successor, Zenef. it is designed to shrink giants down to homunculus size, and back again, for use in bringing Gentiki the giants in an effort to evolve the society of XlenAri. it does not yet work for a fira deralo variation. (it only appears in chaper 44 and series 2 onwards)

XlenAri: (z-len-arry) -(also known as Xlen Ultima)- the duplicate of Xlen created through 999's scientific data, and Dysonix's 'magic'.
it appears in the final chapters and is where series 2 takes place.
it is a free world, where Xlenians and earthlings live together, although earthlings more act as visitors, as they do not have the rights to own permanent residences on the planet.

Ancat: (ain-cat) hybrid of Angel and Cat.

Elzunace: (el-zoon-ace) according to 999, Elzunace is an entity from which, he obtained the information on Gliloutation, but whether this is true or not emains unknown.

Earth: you should already know what this is!! >:3


footwear: worn by humans, but seldom by other kinds, who prefer to use their paws, however, it is rather normal for a Giki or Buki to wear socks in their own homes. And not completely odd to see one wearing other footwear, such as sandals, but it is rare.

inter-size-communication: non-giants are permitted to be rougher, while giants must excersize gentler ways when interacting with each other.

same-gender-relationships (or similar relationships): accepted worldwide.

inter-size-relationships: not accepted by mass majority, and at this point are forbidden from marriage.

burial rites: on Xlen, a burial is composed of physically burying or burning the body along with a flower, and spiritually on the idea that their soul will be freed from the physical plain, free to enjoy a perfect paradise in a lesser-evolved form of their normal selves, free at last from physical limitations and responsibilty. a prayer is offered upon burial for hopes that they are now peacefully enjoying their freedom.
sometimes, this prayer is written on the Epitaph of that person's gravestone.

clothing: MANDATORY.

beliefs/reigion: the people of Xlen believe that each constellation in the sky is a celestial being. and their 'gods' are more of mystical entities that are based around moral choices.

food: on Xlen, plant products are a main source of food, along with meat, sourced from non-sentient beasts such as fish, birds, swine, and also synthesized versions of meats that are controversially found in sentient creatures (but are sourced from a non-sentient variant). it is considered the most awful insult to eat synth-meat of the same category as the person you are with, or are yourself. it is considered Taboo to consume the meat of a friend's species, even if they are not presently with you.

evolution theory: it is commonly believed that all kinds evolved from a feral state millions of years ago. some believe this process was set in motion by a diety.

creation theory: it is commonly believed that everything was created by a diety, using the big bang, and that evolution was set in motion by a creator-entity.

Racism, speciesism And Sizism: some people dislike others for being a certain species, breed, or size. this stems from wars dating back as far as 3000 years or more.

human invasion theory: after the discovery of earth, it became a theory that humans had come from earth originally, but this was disproved by evidence that they had been present on Xlen as far back as 50 millennia ago at least.

continent-speech: in public it is polite to use the native language for the continent you are on. the only exception being if you are unable to speak that language.

'Monster' & 'Macro' and 'Bug' & 'Micro': derogative terms used to insult a giant and a non-giant respecively.

Forbidden word of Taboo: on Xlen, there is a word that is forbidden to be verbalised under any circumstances, it is supposedly the name of a highly destructive catastrophe considered to bring death and devastation to those who dare to utter it's name. it is the Xlenian equivalant of the apocalypse. for the sake of knowledge, I list this word here, but do not dare speak it myself... Raiphoxant... (rye-foe-zant)

-linguistic notes-

Gentikan accent: resembles a "Southern" (american 'country') accent.

Viradan accent: sounds similar to a mix of american and other accents used in english speaking countries. ironically, although the alphabet is different, Viradan sounds almost exactly like the earth language of english, but there are numerous differences. in the second series, earth people consider it modified english.

Firish accent: sort of like a middle eastern accent. similar to any of those used in europe.

ildelessian accent: 'eastern', like that used in asian countries.

Celestial-speak: soft, light musical notes which are rather calming to listen to.

telepathic note: telepathy is always understandable no matter the language of the speaker, because thoughts have no real language.

-punctuation in the story and symbol use-

text like this denotes text or dialouge in another language besides english or viradan.

regular italic text is emphasis.

(text in parinthesis in italic) denotes actions such as sighing or sneezing etc.

this / (this) is sound effects.

(text in parinthesis) are usually thoughts.

"bold text in speech marks" means a character is speaking in a 'giant' voice.

italic text that seems to be dialouge, but lacks speech marks means that a character is not really 'speaking', but they are conversing, this is mainly used for telepathy.

"this kind"

of speech is just a louder version of "this".

""dialouge that is in double speech marks"" means it's being said over a speaker, phone, Tv, radio, or similar transmission media.

For any further questions, feel free to ask in the comments section, or give emperorwolf a shout, he'll gladly explain anything confusing you about the story.

Benson & Kevin: terminology and guidebook


this is a terminology/guidebook to my story.

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Literary / Story