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woodburning badges for rampack & matuska by Cisqur

woodburning badges for rampack & matuska


studysaysno and I made these together!!
for rampack and matuska respectively.

we are accepting commissions for these.

first 2 slots are $20, the rest are $30.

for the Haley badge, I did the sketch and the woodburning except for the patterns on the sweater. my partner did everything else.

for the Thicket badge, my partner did the sketch, the woodburned outlines, and the woodburned name. I burned most of the shading, did the gesso, colors, etc.

Submission Information

Visual / Traditional


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    holy cow

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    Holy crap these are sooooo beautiful!! Wow GOSH

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      I'm rly glad to hear you like em!! I was worryin that thick's colors were too dark haha ...

      • Link

        i looooove them both! the sunflower is soo cute

  • Link

    wow these are cute as heck WOW

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      just like u

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    god that shirt pattern. KILLIN ITTTTT

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      amfoo did that!! we're really happy you two enjoy em!

  • Link

    These are total neat peas. Any chance you'd open for these in the future?

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      send either of us a note with all the details (what you want drawn specifically, who you want doin what, etc)!

  • Link

    yooo what the frick
    these are awesome jfc

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      thank you kindlyyy

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    Gosh, these are beautiful. I might pop you a message myself about getting one of these. The shirt pattern, the details on those antlers and flower... yesss

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      we would love to do one for you!! and thank you for the kind words!

  • Link

    These are positively gorgeous!

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      ohh!! thank you kindly!

  • Link

    Oh goodness these woodburned badges are all absolutely fabulous! Really like the idea of it too. If it wasn't for that fact that I never go to cons and such, I would totally get one :p

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      heh you could still have one for the pleasure of having one, but I an extremely flattered by your enjoyment of them either way!

      • Link

        Ohh actually I would love to, but haven't you closed for them now tho?

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          we closed the $30 ones -- I guess I communicated that friday I will announce the $40 ones. but yes we're open for $40 ones haha

          • Link

            OH, no sorry I think I just midsread it ^^" Well I will definitely keep my eyes open for it, cause I really wanna support you guys. Oh and also I know the collab kinda dilapidated but I'd love to do a trade some day! Ive been wanting to for a while but I'm just so crummy at making contact goddamn

            • Link

              I'm sorry about the collab, it was my lame fault ;__; let's definitely do a trade!! link me on skype with the kind of thing you'd want, hell if you'd like to trade for a woodburning badge I'd be down with that

              • Link

                oh gosh no, I could never ask for that I mean those are amfoos aswell, and maybe a source of income for you? And don't worry about the collab! C: I just wanted to draw one of your characters basically, so I thought a trade woule be cool!

                • Link

                  but all trades are sources of income traded for sources of income with no currency involved! I prefer it that way anyway, let's go back to the barter system. (point is, I'd be down for making you a woodburning badge, haha)

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                    Well, if it's okay with you then cool! c: I mean, if it it'll feel like a fair trade for you. Ah, in any case I'll talk to you on skype 'bout it! (for really I'll stop being a scaredy puss avoiding everything all the time ahaha oh god)

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