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Join House Foxish! (Game Of Con Chairs art) by etheras

Join House Foxish! (Game Of Con Chairs art)


Good afternoon, my subjects!

Today, as a short break from the usual torrent of naughty and sexy fennec images, I am posting the unofficial sigil of my house at Game Of Con Chairs. It has a white fennec listening to DJ headphones, badass glowing eyes, and from the earring chains, I'm sure you can tell which white fennec this is! This device represents the fact that I am the House Leader of Foxish, and that I will be DJing at the convention this year.

Also, we've passed the "one month remaining" point before the convention starts. So if you're coming, this might be a good time to book your room! Pre-reg might even be open still, which gives ya a bit of a discount.

So yeah..! Sign up today. Its gonna be awesome. Just remember: Foxish is the best House. Join FOXISH.

Anyway, the website is
And also check out our podcast at

... and I hope to see you at the convention :)

Artwork by Etheras
Sigil boarder is actually taken from my real-life sigil, which unfortunately is not a fennec fox with headphones sadface

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