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Nahk adopt: [Open] Original Species by CorruptedWaffles (critique requested)

Nahk adopt: [Open] Original Species (critique requested)


Auction for a new species I'm fleshing out. They are called Nahk.

They are deep sea dwelling. When they are first born they are amorphous shapeless beings. With every creature they devour they gain the attributes of said creature. The more of that creature they devour the more and more they look like it until they eat something else.

They seem to have quite a fondness for human and other intelligent creatures. It is programed into their very DNA to go after the strongest, fastest, and most intelligent prey so that it can move up the food chain. As soon as they reach sentience they start being devious and even sadistic towards their prey. Particularly humans and other sentient beings. Mostly because they feel that it isn't fair that they had to work so hard to gain sentience.

So yeah. This is the first one. Most of his diet consisted of octopus, human, and angler fish.

They could edge more towards land but since they grew up and loved most of their lives in water they prefer not to. They can also switch genders or have both depending on what they eat. Eating more of a specific gender also changes them.

When you purchase the adopt I will line, color, and possibly change details to your likening.

SB: $10

HB: -

AB: $60

Auction tiers:

$10- lined and colored digitally [or traditionally if requested, however if you want it shipped to you that is extra.] and info all filled out to your liking.

$15- all of the above plus shading and 2 more details of your choice.

$20- Another Chibi sketched

$25- Chibi lined, colored, and shaded

$30- experimental illustration with a BG. It would be a painty style that I will post an example of in a day.

$40- of it gets this high IDEK ill do stuff. Ill figure it out when it gets this far.

The reason it's so high is because I want to surprise Tim with an awesome gift.

Also it's almost a full blown ref sheet.

Submission Information

Visual / Sketch