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Huevember Contrast 2019 Plan by Akysi

Huevember Contrast 2019 Plan


Hey everybody! Posting this a bit late because of the uploading problems here, but I'll catch up now.

It’s been a while hasn’t it? I’ll discuss that a bit more later, but for now I want to announce what I’ll be up to in the next month. That’s right, I’m doing Huevember again this year! But this time, I’ll be doing something a little different.

For each day I will be drawing one of my characters (all OCs this time) using the colours in their original order, but using that colour’s compliment (i.e. the colour directly across from it on the colour wheel) as the background. I call it: Huevember Contrast!

As far as rules go, I am allowed to use any tints or shades of the two colours as I see fit, but the challenge will come from how well I can integrate each one and maintain balance between them. Black and white are fair game as neutral tones but cannot be more prominent than the colours. I will likely only use them for line art and eye whites/shines respectively to match the style I’m going for. You’ll see what I mean!

I’ve already chosen my roster of characters for this challenge, but I’ll let that part be a surprise. c: I did try to match them with colours that might work based on their original designs, but some of them have some pretty off-brand colour schemes, so it should be a fun time! I’m also letting myself be more experimental with these this time around, especially if some of the characters don’t have completely solid designs or attire yet. I won’t be using a lot of references for what is “on model” and will draw whatever looks good in the moment. I’m excited to see what I’ll come up with!

Are any of you doing Huevember this year? If you are and want to give this version a try, go for it! :D I know a lot of people are hopping off the Inktober train just now, but I think a colour-centric challenge is just what I need to get back in the game. I’ve been in a creative slump for months but I’m hoping this will rejuvenate some of the faith I have in my art skills, or at the very least be a decent distraction for a while. Either way, I hope you enjoy! Like last time, I will be compiling all of the illustrations into this file at the end for a final reveal.

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