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A Look at a Stage Develpoment W.I.P. [MUGEN] by VinVulpis

A Look at a Stage Develpoment W.I.P. [MUGEN]


Here's a look at the stage I posted a pic of yesterday up on other sites and I really gotta start posting here more.

Like I had said before, working on this stage has served a double purpose. I wouldn't have been making this stage if I wasn't using the engine for a class pre-vis final project, but I am really glad I got the double motivation to crank out a stage.

Stages take SIGNIFICANTLY LESS TIME THAN MAKING A CHARACTER. What you see here was all done in roughly 6~9 days of workin on it for 2 to 3 hours each day. Over the span of a couple weeks of juggling this, character work, art needing to be done, other class work, and so on.

It was mostly a slow start, but once I figured out how all the parameters and elements work for stages, my progress on it ramped up significantly. I could probably produce a whole stage in one or two days if I stayed focused on it the whole day.

Anyway, about the stage, it's a dockside bar area overlooking a bay in this massive mountain to island city system. This can generally be considered Ciacyl, Shvasha and Sheth's stage, as a group, at least in this sunset version.

The stage still requires some background work, objects around the center and bar side, and NPCs. Stage currently has animated water and reflection, moving clouds, and the beginning of special lighting effects. The sign on what is the basic shape of the bar, flashes. I hope to add in some random elements, like having a different set of NPCs every time the stage begins. Not sure if it's possible, but I coulda swore I've seen old stages do it before.

Character "ShadowRoo" is a character I got commissioned to make.

Currant posted version is PF 2, but I have a MAJOR update to post on him. Version "PF3" coming soon.

Yet again, please do get MUGEN 1.0, my characters DO NOT work with "winmugen" or anything older than the official 1.0.

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Visual / Digital