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Quintessons by CosmicTrashbag



Been looking forward to postin these boyes

• They are a highly secretive species and their colony worlds are at the very outer rims of known space, they do possess a few small locations in other parts of the galaxy that act as middle ground bases to meet and trade at.
• Their intelligence level is quite ridiculous, some theorise this could be aided by their somewhat gelatinous heads of which can switch between a more solid form and a less-so form at the entities will. The theory is that the solidified parts of the mass can hold huge quantities of information clearer and reliably while switching to a more fluid consistency allows the data to flow around their processors faster and enable such high-speed calculations and intelligence.
• They seem to share some kind of psychic bond with one another or at least have a personal communication frequency that has yet to be cracked.
• They only “wear” one face at a time, the remaining four stay in a kind of ‘shrunken’ state on any point of their heads. In order to switch the current face shrinks down as the new one grows and swaps out with it.
• Their faces are a mystery but some possible conclusions about each face have been debated among those who have met them.
• The main face is usually the one out the most and often tends to be ‘multi-purpose’ in use. The red face is often indicative of inciting their wrath and ire it seems. The orange one seems to be more jovial in tone and appears more often when they are trading with new species, however, it does also appear when they turn aggressive too so it is just a theory. The teal/blue/turquoise face often shows during discussions it seems to be the most knowledgable in some regards but also very sour and bitter in tone. The last, yellow, face is just as mysterious as the others but seems to show when used for decision making.
• They have a variable amount of hands. These tendrils can retract into the body when not in use, the maximum amount seen on any one Quintesson is 12. The ‘leg’ tendrils do not seem capable of retracting and probably play a part in their balance.
• Their ‘heads’ are poisonous, it is not advised to lick or consume any part of the gelatinous bits of them.
• They do not have known names.
• If there is some kind of shady, seedy, back-alley, dark and dirty suspicious business practices going on then there is a 100% chance they were involved at some point.
• They are known as traders, entrepreneurs and businessmen although they have multiple plans to backstab and worm their way out of things.
• Physically they are quite frail and rely on the brute force of their armies of Sharkticons and the more higher authority/generals the Allicons.
• They have a bit of an unhealthy obsession with Unicron, and now since Unicron's seeming passing they are quite ridiculously invested on getting their protuberances on the Unicronians.
• Their technology is shockingly advanced and they always seem to have something new.
• Their exact origin seems unknown, it’s just known they are phenomenally ancient and depictions of them have appeared once or twice in ancient cave markings on a couple of planets.
• They view everything through a lens of “Curiosity” and regardless of how many deals one makes with them they’re always described as having some kind of barrier preventing people from truly ‘bonding’ with them. As if they view everything like an odd side-experiment to note down the results of.
• M̷A̵Y̷ ̵T̶H̶E̴ ̸F̷I̴R̷S̶T̸ ̴B̵O̵R̸N̸ ̷G̶A̷Z̷E̷ ̴U̸P̶O̴N̸ ̴Y̶O̸U̶ ̵F̶A̴V̶O̷U̷R̸A̵B̸L̶Y̶

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