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Draconfied Domesticated animals by TheShaggyDragon

Draconfied Domesticated animals


Yep here is a Lot of sideview drawings (and a single size comp ref) that may be a bit boring to look at but figured I should start working out some designs for draconic animals. After all,
Animals get dragon’d too in the DragonScape,
not as badly as humans did (there is a reason for that) but they have been changed at least a little bit, so I am starting with common domesticated animals as I feel that’s a good place to start.
The descriptions read left to right, top to bottom

Dogs are one of the least changed things in the DragonScape, some breeds are more change than others, but the examples given here are light on the changes. Mostly now they’re just scale hounds, they do have some magical abilities about them, namely the ability to shatter ears with some sonic bark that they have no real control over. Sometimes their bark will deafen you and other times no, keep em outside and away from your ears. Dogs serve a similar set of roles as they always had.

Goats were not treated kindly by magic, now they get two heads and you can’t even milk them (as a lizard can’t get milked in that way). Generally, they are raised almost solely as labor animals or meat animals, usually both.
Rats tend to be more on the bigger side in the DragonScape, in addition they are not too picky about what they eat, even things that a prepulse rat wouldn’t eat, to allow this their teeth are larger, shaper, and sturdy enough to bite through even thin steel. They also have powerful glands of acid that is quite self-explanatory in explanation.

Cats Became sneaky snakes, behaviorally similar to cats (minus the legs) but their main trait is their chameleonesque ability to change their scale color, cats often instinctually use this when scared, effectively camouflaging out of sight.

Rabbits are hellions in the DragonScape, they are bigger and more aggressive overall which wouldn’t be a bad thing if it wasn’t for their antlers… many a hunter has had their legs broken by angry rabbits, as pets and farm animals they can be tamed and less apt to rabbit tackle your shins into oblivion. Due to the extremely high rate of reproduction, rabbits are often favored as meat animals by many a farmer in the DragonScape.

Pigs are really just more of what they were prepulse, pigs can get even bigger and fatter, are notably less mobile as their legs are not too functional, and they are even more tolerant towards eating anything. The important thing in context of the DragonScape is that they have a very high survivability when consuming a lot of mana, something not many dragons can boast. Basically, you can use a pig to dispose of dangerously high levels of mana which is real handy. Otherwise they are good for meat.

Chickens are exceptionally common in the DragonScape for the same reasons they were common in the prepulse world, though many drekir consider eating eggs to be a bit of a taboo they still have a lot of uses. Meat and feathers are quite great! however, chickens tend to vomit up a mud that is akin to quick cement when threatened. This isn’t enough to cover you in cement (unless you startled a whole hen house) but it may glue your feet to the ground and it’s a pain to break free from, keep a small pickaxe on you when working with chickens.

Sheep generally serve the same roles as they did prepulse, wool and meat, their wool does hold onto and electrically elementized mana though so it would be wise to comb em through.

Horses kinda lost their hooves in exchange for some more crocodilian legs. This does come with some goods and bads, namely dragon horses are slower than prepulse horses only just breaking 30mph (Which drekir can run at for their own top speed). But dragon horses are generally harder to knock aside and provide a very steady riding experience. Additionally (for all those dragon knights out there) they can withstand a lot more weight in armor that may not terribly impact their speed. Horses are popular as labor animals, drawing makeshift car carriages, and popular for heavy cavalry among the DragonScapes biggest powers

Donkeys and Mules are generally what the horse once was in the DragonScape, fast, hooved, and light. They aren’t nearly as powerful as horses but are very popular for couriers, who need a lot of speed to get from town to town, and light cavalry fighters who want a high speed ride to zoom across the battlefield.

Cows are one of the most changed domesticated animals in the DragonScape, being VERY drastic. They are basically giant mana batteries, with mana filled spines and fangs, the meat is actually quite dangerous to eat because the high concentration of mana. What they are useful for is simply extracting pure mana to be used in other ways. To “milk” a dragon cow is similar to “milking” a snake, you get it to bite something and inject the mana from it’s fangs. A bucket with some scalehide on it works fine just don’t mess up and get bit.

What do you folks think of these designs and ideas?

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