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Vixen Ascended by RachelTheSeeker

Vixen Ascended


"Companions lost to tides of time
Beloved wife lost among them
No longer prey to mortality of age
But no longer Lady Maia of Grant..."

As hinted before in the refurbished Maia picture for this year, Fey Foxes are long-lived individuals. While not every Fey Fox possesses the magical ability to "ascend", losing the ability to pass away from age or illness, those who go through a personal revelation after living through at least half of their lifespan can understand what needs to be done to secure near-immortality. Each trial is different for every Fey Fox seeking this ascension, and those who succeed receive a major boost to their innate magical properties as well as a new pelt color that doesn't match up with natural foxes.

However, not every ascension is without issue. While some vulpine choose to extend their life for petty reasons, oft being no better than liches, almost all Fey Foxes will experience the loss of their non-vulpine loved ones due to outliving them. As is the case for this peek into Maia's future, the pain of losing Raziya would likely be etched into her memory for time to come.

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