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Vesper Draco Ref Sheet by Vesper Draco

Vesper Draco Ref Sheet

Vesper Draco

Finally, after two long and a half years, my sona Vesper has his own ref sheet, made by the great Kahlu! (That you can find at , he's a very talented artist and also quite patient).
But anyway, I thought it might be interesting to know how its evolution developed over this span of time. Originally when I joined the fandom I didn't have an idea for a fursona, so I took the most furry thing I had at hand at that time: my D&D dragonborn paladin Balthazar (which you can see here: I then slapped on it the name "Vesper Draco", which its translation from latin roughly means "evening dragon". I liked the idea behind it and also liked the sound of it, so it stuck. However, my paladin, while sharing some qualities with me, it was just that, a character. It didn't represent me, so after a discussion at a local furmeet, it was back to the drawing board and picking an animal that would suit my personality.

The choice fell on owls, due to their perceived wisdom, sleeping habits, and such. At the same time, I felt bad leaving out the dragon part, as I felt some of their characteristics applied to me as well. So I decided to do an hybrid to represent myself fully, both in my strenghts and weaknesses. I especially fell in love with this image and its eyes, and decided to use it as a base ( Then my girlfriend gifted me a cute owl made from Pisla, and I feel in love with the colour scheme, made from brown and blue...but I would only use the blue part of it, and somehow think the best colour to accompany it was orange. Which isn't bad per se, but it would be more useful on details, not the whole character! And that lead to my first (awful) ref, drew by yours truly (

Fortunately at another meet I knew Kahlu and I asked him my first ever headshot commission. While I was asking him (btw, he was super available and patient even back then) I made little changes to the design (which you could see here , mainly ditching the unified head and the feathers on the hands), which were both important for how the commission turned out. The little touch Kahlu added was making the "accent" feathers grey, and thought it complimented the character well ( Then the character evolved also thanks to another commission (, this time from Oddjuice, and since then the character almost remained unchanged. So I thought giving him a "canon" representation was the best course of action as to not have future artists struggle with changing proportions and uncertain features.

It won't mean the character will not change from now on, but at least I'll have a starting point to look at. Remain tuned for the NSFW version too!

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