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2018 Character Demo Reel by Lanovran

2018 Character Demo Reel

2018 Character Demo Reel


I've been working on getting more into voice acting recently, so I decided it was high time to make a demo reel! This is specifically a character reel (as opposed to a commercial reel), focusing on both dramatic and cartoony character voices. Only two of the clips came from prior projects, so most of it was made up from scratch. Considering it's my first legit demo reel, I think it turned out pretty well.

The character voices I performed in this demo could be described as follows:

  1. Kindly Mentor/Philosopher
  2. Grizzled Special Agent
  3. Cheerful Robot Helper
  4. Frightened Sci-Fi Adventurer
  5. Wise Old Sage
  6. Aquarium Dude

The music I used includes bits of my own songs, "Morning Ride" and "A Story in the Stones," as well as a couple of short snippets of Fox Amoore's "The Cosmic Express" and "Journey's Dawn." The latter appears in a portion of a previously posted narration from AlectorFencer's "Myre: Chronicles of Yria." I also used clips from Alexandr Filippov's "Morea," and the theme music from a still-in-progress animation project with which I'm currently involved.

Original vocal performance and demo production ©2018 Dragon Flute Studios. Show your support by purchasing my music on Bandcamp!

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Multimedia / Speech / Reading