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Hugging a Mew by PrivateDoomsday

Hugging a Mew


These are words, written by a Pokemon trainer, from when he first befriended a girl, that ended up becoming his sweetheart.

Sometime when I saw a troubled girl, I knew that she wasn't human; she was some kind of pokefolk; I noticed, that she was a mix, between a litten, and a noibat.

As a human Pokemon trainer, I tried to do the right thing, by asking her what was wrong. She suddenly looked at me; believing that I was a threat. She grabbed onto a sword; specifically, a scimitar, and was about to slash at me.

Fortunately, I had three pokemon outside, with me; a black mew that I had, in addition to, a beedrill, and a jigglypuff. As my jigglypuff sang, she didn't fall asleep, but it did leave her with a bit less energy. And, then my beedrill used string shot; using it to, not only have her drop her scimitar, but also it was then formed, into what I suppose many could say, a makeshift straitjacket. (She was dangerous to humans, at the moment.)

She looked at me, with concern; apparently, being weakened, and cornered; she then was unable to fight, due to some exhaustion. She then yelled, "HEY! Are you going to finish me, or what?!?"

I replied, "No; I don't want to harm you; I want to know what is wrong."

She argued, that I could have been a member of Team Nuclear, (the most evil syndicate, in the world; a fascist cult, dedicated, to the extinction of Pokemon, to guarantee human supremacy) but I explained, that I wasn't; saying that, deep down, I always knew, that pokefolk, had a charm, that I liked.

She then saw, that I was no threat; she then bursted into tears; crying loudly. Even explaining how deeply sorry she was, and, explaining that, she was so traumatized, by the fact that, her pokemon, while still alive, are hospitalized, at a pokemon center, all because of what Team Nuclear members, did to them...and it was an illness, that couldn't be healed normally, like at the default healing machine, that they always have.

Easily forgiving as I was, I then picked her up, brought her to a nearby bench, and hugged her. And in addition, I had my beedrill remove the string shot webbing, so she could move.

There, we agreed to comfort her. And, knowing that the black mew I had approached her slowly, he nuzzled gently towards her forehead. The girl was obviously charmed, as she hugged him.

There, I agreed to that mew, that the girl could be his new trainer, and together, they'd be friends for life; especially because she needs one, at the moment. So, that was the best gift I could have given her, at the moment.

There, we introduced our names. As I introduced my name, "Kevin", she introduced her name; "Adsila".

In about a week, Adsila's pokemon recovered. And in about a month, since we began to travel together, Adsila ended up becoming my sweetheart girlfriend, as we began to realize a bond.

= Kevin, Adsila, and the black mew, alongside the artwork, are (c) by me
= The "Pokemon" franchise, is (c) by Nintendo, and the Pokemon Company

Also, I haven't drawn out Kevin's design, yet. But in the future, I'll get to working on it.

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