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Donation options, status update, request for help! by SpokleArt

Donation options, status update, request for help!


Donation options, status update, and a modest request for help, care of your artist, Spokle!

If you're already helping me out I love ya, but if not, please read and help get the word out!

Easier to read text of this announcement below:

Hi all! This is a general update to all my galleries out there to let you know I’ve setup a AND a Ko-Fi account if you feel like donating!

If you enjoy my works and want to show support, you can use either address above to send me any small donation you’d like! You can indicate ‘no shipping address’ if prompted, as this is JUST to show any financial support.

In addition to the above making an announcement/request. I’ve SUPER ENJOYED creating works for the SizeFet communities out there AND I WILL CONTINUE to do so. To that end however I have come under financial hardships in my personal life and, if you are not already contributing to me through Patreon, I’d really really love if you’d consider supporting there or with Ko-Fi/Paypal, if you enjoy my works and are able to!

As it stands at the moment, I’m going to be working nonstop to give you all more great artworks as often as possible, but being able to make enough for rent/food/bills is now in question.

So long story short, I love creating arts as often as possible, but I’m in financial trouble and could use your help if you aren’t already supporting but would like to in any way! – Become a Patron! Check the rewards on the sidebar. If you like you can also chip in through here as a one off payment and get the rewards for that level til the end of the month! - If you’d like to show your love financially as a one off OUTSIDE of getting a Patreon subscription, this is for you! - Similar to the Paypal link, you can send tips/donations in 3$ ‘coffee’ amounts! You can use this without having a paypal account (payment by credit/debit card accepted).

As always, keep an eye-out on any of my sites at Patreon, DeviantArt, Twitter, Tumblr, FA, Pixiv, and others for COMMISSIONS (not publicly open right now but I’ll announce when I am). While I’d LOVE to take more now, I need to work through my backlog first!

Anyway, thank you for reading and I hope you at least enjoy some of my works. I still appreciate my fans and likes/shares of my work to get it out there. If you can’t help financially at this time, please share this around if you think anyone might like to know!

Yours truly,


Submission Information

Visual / Other