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On The Cab Ride Home by pawpiles

On The Cab Ride Home

tf item in this story is based off of$_58.JPG basically.


“Jesus, Joy, I seriously can’t believe you wore that the whole night!”

The girl in the right seat ruffled her hands through the faux fur toque on the other’s head. It was meant to mimic a dog’s head, complete with massive, floppy ears and a pair of paw shaped mittens that hung from either side. The ears bobbed back and forth as she ruffled it, chipped, colourful fingernails making their way through the expanse of fuzz. A lot of it was matted, or tangled together, despite how short most of the fur was.

“I thought for sure you were gonna… pass out from heat stroke or something. It was like, a trillion degrees in the club!”

“No, it’s good, I’m good!”

Joy took a few seconds of silence, admiring the bright smile on her date’s face.

“Sorry it’s not super shiny or well groomed or anything, I’ve never actually… tried this on until tonight.” The girl with the fuzzy animal hat on leaned into her date’s shoulder as the scratching between the ears continued. “Spending a few years in the closet’ll do that to you.”

“Oh, trust me J. I know all about the effects of spending years in the closet.”

She giggled. The back of the cab was silent again as Joy shifted in closer to her, the two girls smushed up to the right side of the cab. The rightmost girl continued petting between the ears as she held her face to the glass, watching the streetlights whiz by. It was pretty close to sundown, still bright enough out that they weren’t needed.

“Sorry if I’m squishing you, Eileen! I’m a pretty big girl.”

“Nah, I’d let you know if you were.”

Truthfully, though, she was kind of getting squished. Not an unpleasant feeling though, she liked the pressure it provided her with. It’d been a few days since their last date, so the closeness was welcome.

She readjusted herself, bringing her other arm to wrap around Joy’s waist. One was sat comfortably on top of the other now, Eileen with her nose buried into her date’s hair. It was fruity, despite the hours they’d spent on a sweaty dancefloor. And even though the hat clearly hadn’t been washed in years, it didn’t smell unpleasant. The scent wasn’t anything tangible, though. If electricity had a smell, she’d compare it to that.

It seemed the driver in the front was completely oblivious to anything happening in the backseat, eyes fixed on the road. It was the long weekend, right around the time that everyone who had previously been getting wasted called it quits. Lots of terrible drivers would be out in force, especially as they approached the apartments in the inner city.

The momentary silence was broken by Eileen.

“Where’d you get this hat from, anyway?”

Joy thought back. She had a few blurry memories of buying it, laying the money on a table near a food court, but for the most part it felt as though it had always existed in her life.

“It was on sale… I think?” She spoke quietly, feeling every bump on the road beneath the cab. “At one of those little kiosks at the mall, where they sell all the bootleg shirts. It was the middle of summer so it came as no surprise to me that a big woolly hat wasn’t selling well.”

Eileen pursed her lips, taking in all the little details on Joy’s hat, the story behind it to vague to dwell on. Every single strand of fur seemed to be refined, carefully placed by some expert craftsman. Even the ears seemed to twitch, a trick of the light as they continued along the lengthy road back to Eileen’s apartment.

The work Eileen had put into untangling Joy’s coat was now visible as she smoothed it all out with the palm of her hand. It hadn’t been terribly matted before, but now it seemed to glisten, even in low light as the sky grew dark.
The paw-gloves that came attached to the hat moved to cover her date’s hands, the two wrapped in a comfortable embrace. Eileen felt the rise and fall of the other girl’s belly as she breathed, watching the motion become more and more frequent as she continued stroking the fur on the back of her head.

It was almost… panting. Nothing sexual, seeing as the girl was half asleep in her arms now, but panting nonetheless. Eileen smiled at the odd noises.

“You okay?”

“Hm? Oh, yeah. I just feel… Weird. Like, good weird, not bad weird.” Joy slid down in the seat, letting her furred head rest on Eileen’s chest. “You can keep petting my hair. I liked that.”

Eileen took both hands and ran them down either side of her head, noticing that the ledge between her skin and the fabric of the cap had all but disappeared. In fact, the fur that once ended just above eye level now stretched to the skin below, the fuzz seeming to weave it’s way down to her cheeks. Or, at least, it appeared to in the near-darkness of the cab.

It wasn’t anything distressing enough to bring up. They were both a wee bit sleep deprived and there was no telling if she was just imagining things. It felt wrong to break up such a peaceful moment anyhow.

“Oh shit, I just remembered something.”

Joy shuffled herself to the side and tried to cram her pawed hand into her pocket. It was a futile effort with the oversized glove on.

“Eileen, could you grab my phone and shoot a text to my mom? It’s in my left pocket.”

“Couldn’t you just take the gloves off?”

The girl held the paw between her thighs and yanked her arm up, but it remained attached.

“Nah, it’s all… It’s like, suction-cupped to my wrist or something… I promise it’s not a big text or anything, I just gotta let my mom know I’m staying at your place.”

Eileen pulled the phone out of her pocket and swiped to unlock it, looking for the right contact. She clucked disapprovingly at the lack of a passcode, to which Joy responded with some mumbling. Long fingernails clicked against the screen as she typed out what her date told her to.

“Yeah, just tell her like. I’m staying at a friend’s house, I’ll be back whenever, don’t freak out, I love you. Then add a heart emoji for flair or something.”

Eileen showed her the message, and Joy nodded in approval. She sent it and tossed the phone into the seat opposite to her.

“Sweet. If it’s alright with you, I’m just gonna close my eyes for a bit.” She stretched her arms over her head, the fur from the paws having snaked its way down to her elbows now. Something was definitely up, but if it wasn’t concerning Joy, then there wasn’t a reason for it to concern her.

“You can keep petting me! If I fall asleep before we get there, just wake me up when we arrive.”

Eileen nodded, and with that, the other girl shut her eyes. The fur that encircled her face was closing in quickly on her nose. The whole thing was a stark white, save for the fur around her eyes and ears. Fur the colour of tanned leather had appeared on either side of her nose, the runny makeup from before all but gone. Joy still seemed oblivious, completely at peace in the back of the moving taxi.

Her breathing had levelled out, coming down from the panting as she relaxed in her girlfriend’s arms. Her paws, once oversized and ridiculous seemed to have slimmed down and refined around the fingers, as though they were better conforming to her skin. Unless Eileen had forgotten how humans worked, they typically had five fingers. Joy now had only four. They twitched overtop of Eileen’s hands, the once-plastic paw pads now textured and squishy.

She flipped her hands over to face them, fingers interlocking. Though Joy’s digits had been reduced to four, they meshed together with Eileen’s just fine. She squeezed her date’s hands, the furred face smiling warmly at the sensation. Eileen couldn’t help but return the smile at the odd feeling of the massive paw pad in the center of Joy’s palm.

“Oh, ow.”

Eileen pulled her hands away.

“Everything ok?”

“Yeah, I’m good, it wasn’t you. My jaw just started acting up. Actually, like, most of my face.” Her eyes fluttered open as she ran her slim paws over her mouth. Once again, she didn’t seem to notice the changes.

Joy sniffed loudly. “You got any gum?”

Eileen pulled her pockets out, a single piece of paper fluttering to the floor.

“Just a wrapper from a few weeks ago, sorry.”

“Thought I smelled something minty. My bad.”

Joy’s eyes fluttered closed again, grimacing as she held onto her jaw. Her floppy ears quivered as she whimpered, scrunching her nose up and rubbing at the sore spot. Joy’s entire body seemed to shake from the pain.

“Anything I can do to help? You don’t look so hot.”

“I… don’t know.”

Eileen placed her cool palms on the underside of her chin, stroking along her jaw gently. The girl’s whimpering became quieter at the touch, the quaking coming to a stop.

Eileen watched, fascinated, as the furred skin stretched outwards from the center of her face. The bridge of her nose seemed to pull away, taking the rest of her face with it. Two canine teeth poked from her blackening gums at the extension continued. The rest of the teeth followed close behind, popping out as space was provided for them by the growing snout. Little white peaks shined through every time she opened and closed her mouth to try to work out the pain.

She was still grimacing, almost growling now as the extension slowed to a stop, a little string of slobber hanging down and sticking to her own hoodie. The sight of her date’s still-human tongue inside the massive maw weirded her out. The tip of Joy’s snout went jet black in seconds, a leather-like texture emerging from the spot that had once been a human nose.

Eileen was taken aback. “Holy shit???”

“What?” The girl opened her eyes.

“Oh.” Joy raised her paws to eye-level, looking down the furred snout she had grown so suddenly. “OH!”

She sank deep in thought, eyes crossed.

“Eileen, how much of the party do you… remember?”

Eileen tried to recall. “Most of it? I drank, but I wasn’t wasted.”

“Ok. Did I… take anything? Like. Drug-wise?”

“Nope, not that I remember.”

The dog-girl grunted as she felt a sharp pain travel down her spine.

“Fuck. I guess it’s... is it the hat, then? I knew there was another reason this thing was on sale.”

Eileen wrapped her hands around her date again, laying her down across her lap carefully. Her feet slipped from the shoes effortlessly as she was lifted and turned around. Even the socks came off, revealing the dog paws underneath.

“Uh, maybe I’ll be alright?”

Her eyes crossed as she tried to stare down at her mouth. Joy’s tongue lolled out from the side as it underwent a late transformation.

“Ah, fuck, neffermind.”

Joy tossed and turned in Eileen’s lap, face screwed into a grimace as she felt the pain continue moving downwards towards her back. Her tongue moved around in her mouth as it grew and flattened out, as though she was trying to figure out how to use it.

“Hey… this ish gonna sound weird, but ish it okay ith you go back to petting me?” She rolled onto her stomach, the nub poking out of the back of her pants now visible to Eileen. “I jush need something else to focush on. It’sh all sho overwhelming… Oh, and Shorry for the lishp.”

Eileen was happy to oblige, rubbing her palms deep into the exposed part of Joy’s back. The dog-girl groaned at the sensation, the sprout of her tail pushing out a bit further and beginning to swing back and forth. It whacked Eileen’s belly as she bent over to knead into it with more pressure. The fur underneath bristled against her fingers, a coat that was soft and coarse all at once.

“Thash perfect!”

Joy’s voice was cracking, and her sentences seemed slurred by the odd new tongue inside her mouth. She kept it closed, her focus shifting towards the pain in her back.

The whole of her body was covered with thin white fur now, or at least the parts that she could see. The hoodie seemed drooped across her frame, like it was 30 sizes too big, and her jeans were basically hanging from the bottom of her leg.

Joy yipped, and with a final push and twist of her face, the tail snapped out completely. Eileen couldn’t help but flinch at the noise, like Joy had dislocated something. But alas, the dog-girl grinned widely, wagging back and forth as she rolled around on Eileen’s knee.

The still-human girl smiled, her gentle petting turning into belly pats. It was clear that the girl in her lap was getting shorter, as she’d all but rolled out of her hoodie. She kicked with her shortened legs and sent both her hoodie and jeans falling to the floor in a slump.

Eileen finally had a good look at the dog in her lap. Far smaller than before, and still shrinking, the dog-girl was truly white all over except for the brown splotches around her eyes and over the top of her head. She had floppy ears and a stubby little tail that seemed to stop too soon. Even her high energy seemed consistent something like a Jack Russell Terrier.

The liveliness was by far the most notable part of the whole transformation. A half hour ago, the woman had been slumped against her shoulder, nodding off to sleep, and now she seemed to be bouncing off the walls with energy. Her short, still oddly human legs kicked out into the air and thrashed about.

The talking from the dog had mostly stopped too, but she could still communicate what she wanted effectively through her eyes and her movements. Right now, she just wanted to play.

Eileen took a few brief seconds away from the situation and peaked over the headrest and into the rear-view mirror. Much to her surprise, the man was still slumped forwards in his seat, half asleep and somehow completely unaware of everything happening behind him. It seemed as though it’d been a long night for the cab driver, too.

Her concentration on his undereye bags was broken by the excited dog, who’d rolled over completely in her lap and exposed her belly. The fur seemed to thin out towards the middle, peach coloured skin moving in and out rapidly as the dog panted.

Her ribs had seemingly rearranged themselves, much like the rest of her bones. Her chest had flattened out, and the stocky, muscular body she’d possessed as a human had been compressed down into a far tinier figure. The terrier that Joy’s mind inhabited now was small, but likely every bit as strong as her human form.

Joy looked up to the human and cocked her head, floppy ears hanging from the sides. Her eyes were much smaller than before, of course, but they were full of all the same life that had been present since they’d met each other, as well as all the same persuasive charm.

Eileen sighed, giving in to exactly what the dog had wanted. She reached down to lay her palms against the dog’s belly, and rubbed with force as though she were wiping down a table. Joy went nuts, thrashing about and smiling through canine teeth at the treatment. Her little paws kicked into the air, waving back and forth, side to side as the rest of her body shifted in her lap. Eileen placed her other arm at her kneecaps as a makeshift wall to make sure the dog didn’t roll off onto the floor.

This continued for minutes, the dog panting in time to the movements of Eileen’s hands. Occasionally, the human girl would bend down to plant a little kiss on the dog’s forehead whenever the belly rubs slowed down.

The movement of her hands was pretty consistent as it neared the 3-minute mark, up and down, right and left, and the dog seemed to just let the hand dictate her movements. All four paws still hung in the air, but they had stopped thrashing around. In fact, it was as if they’d gone totally stiff. She took her hands away, but the dog whined as soon as the contact was lost, so the hands returned and began rubbing again.

Eileen watched as the back legs shook, the muscle under the skin shifting very slowly up her leg, toward the rest of her torso. Somewhat freaky, but nothing unexpected at that point. The upper part thickened out and shot forwards, the entire leg bending at an odd angle. The dog kicked with renewed energy using her new leg until the bottom half followed suit, pushing out in the opposite direction to form true digitigrade legs. Her paws seemed to work differently, and her leg movements were awkward and stutter-y and she tried to adapt as fast as she could.

Joy yipped and smiled toothily up at Eileen as her other back leg underwent the same changes, both of her back legs now kicking full force into the air. She couldn’t help but smile down at the dog with some kind of pride, happy that Joy was adjusting so well to her new life. It had taken next to no time at all for her to gain proper control of her back legs, so she could only assume that something was happening inside her head to help her along.

Her front legs were the next to go. It was only a few, small changes, but they were small changes that mattered all the same. What had previously been her hands flexed backwards into footpaws. There was a bit of panic in her eyes as the muscle reconfigured itself again, but it seemed to fade as she gave it more time. She shifted her front legs around cautiously. Her range of movement had been reduced a bit, that was all. There wasn’t much gesturing that she could still do with two pairs of feet, but there wouldn’t be much verbal communication at all from then on out. So, no big deal.

It appeared her transformation was complete. The dog took a little time to walk back and forth across her legs, and though she had a bit of trouble, nothing came across to her as feeling… wrong. It felt as though she was just meant to be a dog.

No part of the animal in Eileen’s lap seemed to resemble Joy anymore, at least not in a physical sense. There was still a sparkle in her eyes, a gentle personality underneath the playful demeanor of the dog. And of course, there was the old hoodie and jeans that lay in heaps on the muddied floor of the cab.

Joy had mostly settled down now, the pain from the transformation completely gone and the excitement caused by her new form worn down as the cab ride home stretched on. She’d adjusted so fast to all the new mechanics of her body that she couldn’t help but feel a wave of relaxation. The dog pressed her paws to Eileen’s chest, no longer hopping up and down but looking deeply into the eyes of the human.

Eileen giggled at the puppydog eyes and put both hands around Joy’s belly, lifting the dog up to shoulder height and letting Joy rest against the side of her face. Her hands gently smoothed down the fur along her back, long, gentle strokes all the way from her neck to her tail. The dog’s breathing was gentle and calm, Joy’s eyes fixed on the back window.

The stars were out in force, and the crescent moon hung high in the night sky. Everything seemed so brightly illuminated by the moon, even in the spots without streetlamps. Though entirely colourblind, she could appreciate the shades of gray that painted the tall apartment buildings, and the long, narrow streets.

She felt like she was melting into Eileen’s arms, simply basking in the gentle hug the human had her in. Both hands were laid flat across the dog’s back, cradling her once-girlfriend as the taxi rolled to a stop. The man in front turned to look behind him for the first time since they’d entered.

An awkward silence followed. “Wasn’t there… two of you?”

Eileen shrugged, readjusting her grip on Joy.

“Whatever. And what’s with the dog? We got a strict policy on animals.”

Eileen looked over her shoulder. “I actually just don’t have an explanation for that.”

“Well it’s too late now, I guess. I won’t tell. Looks like, uh, 37 dollars.”

Eileen pulled out a few twenties and passed them up to the front. The cab driver swept his hair to the side and nodded. She bent down to collect the discarded clothing and cellphone, and with that, the door popped open and Eileen and Joy both exited. She stretched her legs out, finally getting a break after a few miles of travel through the crowded city streets.

“Have a good night, yeah?”

Eileen nodded, closing the door and watching the man return to his slumped over position as the cab pulled away from the curb.

The air was icy cold, but the dog over her shoulder was like a living heat pack. She pressed her nose into Joy’s fur and smiled, nothing on her mind but the moment she was in. They stayed like that for a while, Eileen in a trance up until the dog licked her chin. Giggling, she wiped the slobber off her and reached for her apartment keys with her spare hand.

The room was warm and comfortable, flowerpots and miscellaneous stuff she’d found at work littering almost every table in the flat. The single lamp that glowed yellow in the corner of the room cast a pleasant light on it’s two occupants, one sound asleep and the other looking up at the ceiling.

It’d been a hell of a night. Definitely unlike any other club experience she’d had. And the morning would be busy too, running around to accommodate for her newfound pet. All the food, the collars, the toys… Shit, she didn’t even have a backyard to run around in, so she’d probably have to bring Joy back to her mom’s place.

And then she’d have to explain how her daughter had transformed into a domesticated dog, which would easily be the hardest part of it all. Joy’s phone had been on silent the whole time, but it had been lighting up with messages from the family since they’d returned home. Eileen sent a reassuring text on Joy’s behalf, but it couldn’t be known for sure how long she could keep up the façade.

For whatever reason, though, she couldn’t bring herself to move from that spot. That was a problem for the future, not right then. Right then was a time to sleep, to get ready for the days that were soon to follow.

Her eyes closed.

But something kept her from falling asleep. It was the same thing that’d been bugging her since she’d stepped out of the cab. Right beneath her chin, this weird, ticklish sensation had developed into something more like an itch. She wanted to draw a line from the dog kiss she’d received in that area to the itchy feeling now, but she was so sleep deprived that she couldn’t be bothered to think too much about it.

She ran her hands along her neck. Just some hair. That was nothing unusual for her really, she’d always had a bit of facial hair. But the amount of hair was different. Thicker, and scruffier too. She couldn’t see the colour in the low light, and she didn’t want to. She’d just shave it off in the morning, no big deal. Annoying, but no big deal.

Unless… it was a big deal. In fact, laying on the sofa, she felt her whole body tingling with the same feeling. Not an unpleasant sensation, just bizarre. And certainly not something that needed to be dealt with right away.

Even if she wanted to, she couldn’t lift herself from the sofa.

So, she didn’t.

She pushed it all to the back of her mind; the obligations of tomorrow and the odd sensations she was dealing with. She let her arms droop off the sofa, let her legs hang over the armrest, and fell asleep with the dog pressed close to her chest. Her breathing got deeper and deeper until it became a snore, thoughts rolling to a stop, her body taking over completely as she drifted off.

The snoring echoed through the whole apartment, rumbling like an old 4x4. Loud enough to rouse the dog from her sleep, but quiet enough to keep her from bolting upright. Weary from the long night, she couldn’t even muster the willpower to open her eyes. The transformation and everything proceeding had sucked the energy out of her completely.

And even though she was barely awake, she was still conscious enough to smile when she felt the skin beneath her doggy paws become interwoven with white fur.

On The Cab Ride Home


a reupload from furaffinity, except now it actually works! I learned how to embed, finally
(im a grandma when it comes to computers leave me alone)

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