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Cold Feet (with story!) by SpiderMilkshake (critique requested)

Cold Feet (with story!) (critique requested)


Cold Feet--A Vore Vignette!

She had herself convinced she was absolutely fearless. Ava never worried about darkness, dampness, mysterious depths, stifling closeness or staggering heights--and beyond the common sense amount she had no fear to spend on any giant of any kind. She was the little woman who argued with crows and won--gambled against foxes and came out the smugger. Since the hunting blacksnake from across the foothills realized he'd been knocked out from the tiny humanoid's sleeper hold various carnivores held her with a healthy distinction as familiar--and therefore off-limits. And so she was now more a risk to them than they were to her.

And she certainly didn't fear the giant named Spider, who was larger and stronger than any fox or crow but also was the handy human who had hung out the bird feeders, kept up the small garden and berry patches. As a savvy gardener it wasn't hard for them to tell a small something was living off of their hard work. Scrappy, she'd fought them tooth and nail. Even with a rugged grip Spider hadn't been able to hold onto her.

At least not unless she wanted them to. The winter passed with Ava creeping in closer and closer to the inside of the old miner's house. It was a shaky structure for a giant like them to be residing in--rodents, snakes and spiders passing through with the human resident seemingly cheerful about the rural state of things. Finally as Spring began to warm up the mountains she'd relented and gave up pretending Spider was not their friend and ally. After all, who had been feeding her these months in the hills?

It was a weird thing to ask, she thought. But then again, she felt dared to oblige the giant. They'd explained how it worked--the herb was among their garden, with medicinal properties modern science scoffed at and let go to seed, undiscovered. Averens averens, when it came into contact with the enzyme pepsin and dilute hydrochloric acid, released its own enzyme which locked up together with the dangerous compounds. The result? A harmless watery liquid and a plentiful but steady bubbling of nitrogen and oxygen. Life-sustaining amounts, sometimes more than enough. What would have been dashed as a crazy risk was embraced as a crazy experiment.

Spider had her cupped in their palms. In the creases between their fingers it grew damp--sweat, nervous sweat. Ava scoffed and laughed at them: Of course the nervey, neurotic giant would be the one with doubts, not the adventurous tiny woman about to be swallowed whole.

"Legs first, then?"

"Legs first," Spider nodded. Ava snickered.

"Well, don't see why I shouldn't dive right in, but if you don't feel like dropping me on my head, sure!"

Spider's face lit in a deep blush. Ava reached for the divot above their lip as a handhold, peering down and waiting for the chasm to open and let her slip in.

"And you remember," they muttered at last, puffs of warm breath blowing by Ava and ruffling her hair, "How to signal you want to leave?"

"I tap out, I remember." Ava smiled. "Now, lemme look at your gob at least. Come on!"

Lips slid open for her. Ava was assaulted by the humidity, squinting at the dark interior. Tongue was flat, and flattened itself further to reveal dark loops of ruddy flesh beyond them. Palate was ridged and ribby, softening toward the back until it drooped into a teardrop shape dangling above the throat's entrance. That was still in shadow. Ava's hands lit on the frontmost of Spider's blunt teeth. There above her was the faint discoloration marking out where they had veneers--she'd been told about the accident that had resulted in healthy, straight buckteeth being replaced by these slightly crooked false ones. Ah well--no one had a perfect mouth if such a thing even existed.

Spider's tongue jolted as Ava swung her legs over their lower lip like a set of rails, placing her bare feet on the middle of the tastebud-laden muscle. Ticklishly. The huge tongue relaxed, the tip of it slurping up against the small of her back, forming against her like an ergonomic chair.

"Good thing I'm the mouthy one, hum." Ava chirped as she leaned back against the tongue supporting her. "I can't see you doing much chatting with me in here." Spider gave a low rumble--stifled laugh. Her light but strong hands were probing at the giant's gums, feeling about above her. Apparently, it was good stimulation; a new pool of saliva grew around the base of the tongue. It twitched, and the giant's jaws closed ever so slightly. The light dimming and the moisture rising.

"Well, maybe later you can tell me what I taste like." She giggled as she flipped onto her belly, pressing against the tongue underneath her to watch the bumpy surface dew up with drool right afterwards. "I'm guessing something good, from what I'm seeing."

There was a deep, affirmative grunt from Spider. The tongue slicked against her in a wave of suppressed reflex; Ava would be swallowed soon, going in deeper and giving up some level of control to the giant.

"Alright fine," she murmured, hands sliding off of their tongue and sinking into the soft fleshy floor of their mouth. Saliva welled out like a spigot had been opened somewhere in the unseen corners. "Let's do this thing."

It was clear Spider had been holding back the strength of the flexible tasting organ before, for now the edges of it curled up and around her sides and legs, tip bowing upwards and enveloping her in velvety tissue. If she had been damp before she was drenched now. She gasped as the soft palate flesh gave way to something which tightened and grabbed about her feet, her slipperiness making her movements edge her backwards. Spider's mouth plunged into near-blackness. Tongue pressed harder, tip furled over her head, working her into their throat.

She had convinced herself she was absolutely fearless. But as the rings of muscular esophagus coiled about her legs with a liquid glk! sound she found herself crying out in shock.

Spider's reflexes screeched to a halt--alimentary rollercoaster on emergency brake. The sweet-saltiness and wriggling firmness of her inside them took all of the giant's self-control to keep from swallowing again. They waited for an agreed upon signal. Either a reassurance that she was alright, or the agreed upon signal.

Ava clutched tight to the end of Spider's tongue. It was hard to get her breath and bearings in the hot air. She remembered. Her left hand gripped against the veined flesh under their tongue, squeezing hard enough to be abnormal, hard enough she could feel their pulse shooting through between her fingers.

With a quiet and wet sloughing noise, Spider's throat tightened, roiling backwards. Ava relaxed as she was met with light, sliding across the flattened tongue and out from between their lips. She landed with a gentle bump on the hand-towel Spider'd had nearby (a necessity for such things!).

"W-well," She hesitated to laugh, knowing how much Spider would have enjoyed being able to take her all the way inside. "S-sorry 'bout that, I, uh..."

"It's okay." They grinned, dabbing drool from the edge of their mouth with the corner of the towel before wrapping her more securely in its fluffiness. "Maybe next time. Whenever you're ready."

^u^ A nice fantasy anecdote about noms, where it's never too late to change your mind (even if you're a tiny bragging Griffindor and wish you never got second thoughts at all!).

Spider's me! 8D
Ava's m' little elfish humanoid lady character, expert in tiny Judo and wilderness survival (especially giant's houses environments XD).

Hope you enjoy the drawing and the little story! C8

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