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Wolf (2014) by jiasaykea

Wolf (2014)


Part of the Sky Above Earth Below Oracle Deck I created in 2014. Mixed Media

Wolf (Hunter, Teacher)
Wolf tracks a path in the woodland. Wolves are native to North America, Eurasia, Africa. A wolf’s head is large and heavy, with large teeth that can easily crush most bones. Specializing in vulnerable members among large prey, wolves will seek out and kill deer, boar, and other large ungulates. Wolves are social animals, living in packs that range in number from 5 or 6 to near 30. A typical pack consists of a mated pair and their offspring. They will occasionally allow solitary wolves to join the pack for breeding purposes. Highly territorial, wolves will mark their territories using scent and will defend their territories aggressively. Howling among wolves serves many purposes: to gather the pack, to pass on an alarm, to locate others during poor weather, and to communicate across great distances. In many places wolves compete with other predators for food, especially big cats; sometimes bears and other canines as well. Pack dynamics often give wolves an advantage in these confrontations. A wolf’s sense of smell is highly developed, allowing them to distinguish territories, gauge reproductive cycles, and hunt and track food.

In any culture where they exist wolves have permeated into folklore and myth. In many cultures wolves are said to raise human children when they are stolen from, or abandoned by, their parents. An example of this is the tale of Romulus and Remus from Greco-Roman myth. This can also be seen in Celtic legend with the story of King Cormac. Norse legend speaks of a massive wolf named Fenrir, offspring of Loki, who will one day break his bonds of imprisonment and kill Odin during Ragnarok (Armageddon). In Japan wolves were once venerated by grain farmers as they protected crops from wild deer and boar, by eating them. Among Native American tribes wolf was generally respected for its ability to hunt. It often symbolized courage, strength, and success. Many cultures also believed that man descended from the wolf; something which can still be seen in werewolf stories today. Christian literature saw the wolf as greedy, often malevolent, and associated with the devil. These views can still be seen in tales of the ‘Big Bad Wolf’.

When wolf tracks its way into a reading it may be bringing lessons from the hunt. What are you hunting? Are you happier in a pack, or are you a lone wolf? What is your pack teaching you, and what are you teaching them? Wolves are not connected to any one element but have been linked to the moon in many cultures so a study of this card may give insight.

Astrology- (Celtic Oct 28- Nov 24) This Celtic sign has a strong sense of purpose. Known as The Inquisitor, this sign is linked to the Reed plant. Fearless Wolf is brave. They won’t compromise and they won’t back down. Those born under this sign will have to watch for a jealous streak that may lead them to be the victim of gossip. Honourable Wolf is strong willed and may live up to the ‘lone wolf’ label. With great inner strength, Wolf is compelled to seek the truth and they have the fortitude to do it.

(Native Feb 19- Mar 20) This Native sign is a passionate one. Gentle Wolf is sensitive and sympathetic. Those born under this sign are generous and deeply affectionate. Wolf people need to be wary of becoming vindictive, obsessive, and impractical. Independent Wolf will need periods of freedom, a bit of ‘lone wolf’ time; but they will always return to their pack. Wolf has an artistic soul, with great intuition, and a deep well of compassion.

Stars and Constellations
Pack, Pathfinder, Intuition, Share your Song, Ritual

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