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Snake (2014) by jiasaykea

Snake (2014)


Part of the Sky Above Earth Below Oracle Deck I created in 2014. Mixed Media

Snake (Life Force, Potential)
Snake sheds its skin. Snakes are long, legless reptiles covered with overlapping scales. All snakes are carnivores and their jaws are specially adapted to swallow prey larger than them. Venomous snakes will use their venom to kill and subdue prey. Non-venomous snakes will use constriction; or merely eat their prey alive. The shedding of the skin, or molting, serves many functions. It allows growth, repairs injuries, and removes ticks or parasites. These adaptations may have linked snake symbolically to life force. Snakes use their tongue to ‘smell’ the air; tasting airborne particles to track their prey. The belly of a snake is sensitive to vibrations which also assists with prey location. The ability of a snake to snap towards its prey may be the basis for its symbolic connection to potential. Digestion is taxing for a snake and they will often slow down after a meal. Some snakes may even enter a sort of hibernation, called brumate. It is not a true sleep but a period of inactivity that a snake can then wake from, further linking them to life force and potential.

In Ancient Egypt snake held a place of honour; worshiped as a god. In Greek mythology snakes were considered deadly and dangerous, but not necessarily evil. The gorgon Medusa, who could turn a person to stone with a single gaze, had snakes instead of hair. Adversely, the Bowl of Hygieia, the Caduceus staff, and the Rod of Asclepius are depicted with snakes and are symbols of medicine. In India snakes are also worshiped as gods. Snakes may also be seen as representing the kundalini. The ouroboros is sometimes seen as a snake eating its own tail and represents life, death, and rebirth. Christianity takes a grimmer view of the snake, seeing them as evil; often representing the devil. In many Native American myths snakes were powerful but dangerous. They were capable of great acts of transmutation, bringing the power of creation, sexuality, alchemy, reproduction, and ascension to immortality. Celtic myth saw the snake as a healing animal, linked to the Earth Mother Goddess and the Sky Father God. It could bring sexual energy, and the ability to die and be reborn; metaphorically shedding your old life.

When snake sheds its skin and enters a reading it can bring a great lesson about the use of life force. Is it time to shed your skin? Are you not striking when you should be? How are you approaching life; striking out with venom, constricting it, or eating it alive? Snake is most connected to the element of earth.

Astrology- (Celtic Feb 18- Mar 17) This Celtic sign is curious, full of questions about how the world works. Linked to the Ash tree this sign is known as The Enchanter and is quite creative. Persuasive Snake is an excellent communicator with a cool exterior and a lively core. Snake people need to be wary of being uncooperative and should work on balancing their own duality. Spontaneous Snake is unpredictable, but flexible, and ultimately enthusiastic. Imaginative and compassionate Snake is both artistic and logical, vulnerable and realistic; giving them great intuition.

(Chinese 1953, 1965, 1977,1989, 2001, 2013, 2025, 2037, 2049 or May 5-Jun 5) This Chinese sign is perceptive and intuitive. Decisive Snake will wait for the perfect moment to strike, their intuition guides them well. This fire sign is friendly and fun loving, with an easy charm. Those born under this sign need to be wary of becoming judgemental, and may have a tendency to be fickle. Snake people are organized and intelligent. They are excellent with money if needed. Philosophical Snake values honour and has a romantic soul.

(Native Oct 23- Nov 22) This Native sign is a natural in all matters of spirit. Snake people are naturally drawn to the healing arts and make excellent doctors, nurses, and shamans. Passionate Snake enjoys being helpful and has a sensitive underbelly. Those born under this sign need to be wary of being despondent or violent and may be prone to mood swings. Imaginative Snake is intense and filled with a sense of purpose. Mysterious Snake can be secretive, but only because they are so in tune with the ethereal realm.

Stars and Constellations
Immortality, Genesis, Balance, Healing, Magic

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