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Seahorse (2014) by jiasaykea

Seahorse (2014)


Part of the Sky Above Earth Below Oracle Deck I created in 2014. Mixed Media

Seahorse (Ethereality, Fatherhood)
Seahorse floats with the tide. Seahorses live in tropical and temperate waters around the world. Though they are named for their equine appearance they are actually bony fish. Seahorses are naturally poor swimmers but use their highly flexible tails to grasp onto things. Feeding on crustaceans, seahorses use a combination of camouflage and patience to hunt. A seahorse’s snout will suck up prey even from a distance. Each eye can move independently allowing a good range of vision. Mating among seahorses is unique in that the male will carry the young to term, making it easy to see how they became linked to fatherhood. Courtship rituals involve elaborate dances where they may even change colour. The female seahorse will deposit her eggs into the male seahorse’s pouch. The male seahorse will fertilize the eggs and carry them in their pouch where they hatch and are later released.

In China seahorses are consumed as medicine and are thought to help with impotence, and occasionally for pain. Some Chinese thought of seahorse as a variety of sea dragon and they were considered to be good luck. Celtic myth saw seahorses as a sign of courage and forbearance at sea. Ancient Egyptians believed that it was seahorse that ferried the souls of drowned sailors to the underworld. Because of their light delicate qualities, seahorses are sometimes thought of as ethereal creatures. Greek tales tended to link seahorses to Poseidon (the god of the sea) and imbued them with strength, and power. Seahorses are sometimes believed to be the foundation of the hippocampus myth, a Greek monster with a fished tail and the front section of a horse. By the 19th-century seahorse motifs became more accurate and those motifs are still popular to this day.

When seahorse floats into a reading it may bring a message of a more ethereal nature. Are you being too delicate or not delicate enough? What are you carrying inside you that needs to be released? What attributes of fatherhood might be helping, or hindering you? Seahorse is most connected to the element of water, and the ocean biome.

Astrology- (Celtic May 13- Jun 9) This Celtic sign is resourceful and flexible. Known as The Illusionist, this sign is linked to the Hawthorn. Seahorse people have sharp minds and excellent memory retention. A tendency towards anger is their downside and they will change their minds as it suits them; which may either help or hurt. Charismatic Seahorse is versatile and adaptable to almost any environment. Those born under this sign enjoy being adored and reciprocate that adoration easily.

Stars and Constellations
Luck, Gender Fluidity, Diminutive, Opportunistic, Delicate

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