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Don't Spoil a Pet: Part 2 - by imperfectflame by Charem

Don't Spoil a Pet: Part 2 - by imperfectflame


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Night sat down on his coach with a sigh of relief. He had held that heavy bag of kibble for quite some time, so it was nice to take a load off. He opened the jerky bag next to him, the smell getting the attention of his other pets, as well as Charem.

"I'll feed you guys in a moment." the Typhlosion promised his pets, turning his attention to the Charmeleon that sat in front of him. Charem already sat on his haunches, his fatty body shaking back and forth by the momentum generated by his quickly-waggling tail, and his mouth yawned wide open in anticipation of the treats.

Night raised a slice of jerky above the fiery pet's head, which angled up to follow it. The meaty snack was gone as soon as the Typhlosion had let go of it, the Charmeleon crooning his head up to snap his jaws around the treat - apparently too greedy and impatient to even wait for it to fall down into his maw! Charem gulped it quickly, not even chewing the treat once, letting Night see the lump of meat quite clearly usher down the Charmeleon's throat.

Rolly and Chica were simply waiting patiently for their own treats to come, but Chica grew more and more concerned as her owner continued to feed the lizard. Night seemed obviously entertained by the Charmelon's voraciousness, if a bit bemused by the fact that the chubby pet was not yet full. The Chikorita had noticed something stranger than that, though. As the fire-type gorged, his body plumpened out...oddly. He seemed to be...getting bigger?

"Oops...huh." Night soon went as he peered into the completely barren jerky bag. "Sorry, Chica, Rolly. I'll fix you a treat from the fridge instead, okay? I'm feeling like making something for myself from there anyways."

Charem had already overturned the empty jerky bag by that point, sniffing into it to make sure every morsel of jerky was gone. Soon, the Charmeleon noticed that the Typhlosion and his pets were heading to the kitchen, and quickly trotted along behind them. Surely, he could get more food there!

This is a 7-part series drawn by   imperfectflame, starring   ottahdragun's Night the Typhlosion and me. :3 (As well as a guest appearance by my Master   Guan.)

This series was inspired by   meanybeany's interesting style of vore/fattening art, where the feeding creatures gain not only fat and girth, but also overall size - eventually becoming a macro and beyond. I always wanted to try that sort of growth with myself, and so this series is the result of that. <3

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