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How to Hide Away a Good Meal - by Frostbite-W by Charem

How to Hide Away a Good Meal - by Frostbite-W


It can of course be very nice to strut around after a good, big, squirmy meal, showing off your belly bulges proudly. But sometimes, such a display isn't desired. Sometimes, you want your prey to be a secret, known only to yourself... With nobody else knowing the prey even exists there in your belly, even as they interact with you. Barely a bulge in your belly, only the subtlest of movements from the meal within, and not a peep to be heard from the prey...

All it takes is a little well as a meal that's flexible enough to be...a bit more than cramped! ;D

Frost the igwulf was a perfect creature to practice this skill on. Sure, he was technically bigger than me in the first place, making it even more of a challenge, but that's how you learn best! :3~

The process is really quite simple. Consume your meal as normal, packing it all away in your belly. Once your squirming dinner's collected in that gut of yours, simply tense those belly muscles up, like you're sucking your tummy in to appear less-fat! Don't be afraid to use your paws to push in that fat gut as well. It might take a lil' while, but your muscles will eventually compress quite tight around the meal's body - who, if he's wise, will get into the most compact position he can to avoid any extra discomfort. x3 Don't worry too much about your meal's sake; even while tightened up, your belly is still soft and slimy.

After that's done, you should have a belly that looks rounded and fat, but not actually vorish as it really is. Continued practice will often allow that gut to be flattened further, though as a naturally-chubby Charmeleon I don't mind the roundness. ;3

The next step is to find something to wear around your neck - a collar is best, but scarves, ties, and etc could also work, so long as it looks good on ya. :3 Make sure your neckwear is pretty snug; not enough to inhibit your breathing, but tight all the same. This prevents the prey from being able to shout out and make itself heard, if it's a particularly-unruly prey (as some tend to be when cramped up xP). If they make noise, the place it's most likely to be heard out from is right from your throat, after all! (The neckwear also helps prevent escape. <3)

And there you have it. <3 Your prey is officially and wholly apart from the outside world, only you knowing of its existence - keeping you fully in control of the meal as well, even more than you would have normally. ;3 Enjoy the power...and use it responsibly! Mehehe~

This was one of several awesome comics that   frostbite-w decided to doodle involving me, because he's a great friend and thinks of me a lot, even though I really should talk to him a lot more than I do. :< (I'm so bad at keeping in contact with friends these days...)

Interestingly, Frost has introduced me to a couple of cute 'variations' to vore. One is a sort of jacket vore, where he'd open his jacket and invite me to cuddle against his front, before closing the jacket around me. <3 The second is what you see here...a case of 'compact/hidden vore'. Where the prey is compressed so tightly (without injury, I should point out) that it's impossible or very hard to tell that the pred ate anybody. Frost is very big on the idea of being a pred's 'special secret', and I have to say the idea is very purrrr at times. <3 A pred already wields a lot of dominance over their prey under normal circumstances, but this 'hiding the prey away' thing just steps that dominance up to another level entirely. <:3

I'm quite sure others have done this idea before already, but far as I'm concerned, it's a rather-original concept, and one that holds some special appeal to me. <3

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