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Goat (2014) by jiasaykea

Goat (2014)


Part of the Sky Above Earth Below Oracle Deck I create in 2014. Mixed Media

Goat (Seeking, Surefooted)
Goat traverses the mountain side. Goats are incredibly well adapted to survive. Mountain goat species have greater skeletal flexibility. This allows them to bend and twist to hug the mountainside. The hooves of mountain goat will act like pliers to firmly grip the rocks beneath it. It was these such adaptations that led to goats being symbolic of surefootedness. The thick coat of a mountain goat allows it to withstand cold winter conditions; important for when goat travels up the mountain. This feature of constantly climbing gave goats a symbolic link with seeking new heights. Even domesticated goats are well-known climbers and have to be kept accordingly. Goat can survive on sparse vegetation in the wilderness allowing it to move further up a mountain than other animals might. Because it can climb so well, and move further up a mountain, mountain goats are often able to avoid predation.

Goats are one of the oldest domesticated animals. Bred for various purposes, goat is used for: milk, meat, hair, and hide. In Norse mythology Thor, the god of thunder, rides in a chariot pulled by goats (or rams). The Greek god Pan, like all satyrs, is said to have the upper body of a man and the hind legs of a goat. The associations of Satan with goats likely came from the lustful behaviour of deities such as Pan; and of goats themselves while in rut. The sacrifice of goats led to the expression 'scapegoat'. This is a way of blaming someone whether they are guilty or not.

When goat traverses the unknown to appear in a reading it may be time to seek new heights. Are you being too inflexible in exploring new possibilities? Are you getting or providing support? Are you taking the right steps? Goat is most associated with the element of earth and the mountain biome.

Astrology- (Chinese 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015, 2027, 2039, 2051 or Jul 7- Aug 6) This Chinese sign has an artistic flair. Creative Goat has a sensitive soul. It is important for Goat to be able to express themselves. With a warm demeanour, this earth sign is quite intuitive. Goat people need to be wary of becoming too reserved. When unhappy they become sick easily. Elegant taste is important to Goat, but they never delve into snobbish behaviour. Intelligent Goat is kind and will show affection easily to those they trust.

(Western Capricorn Dec 22- Jan 19) The western sign of Capricorn strives to maintain stability and order. This earth sign is a good organizer, achieving goals through purposeful means. Capricorns are highly intelligent and may enjoy philosophy. When things seem too easy, Capricorn will get suspicious and should also beware a tendency towards dictatorial behaviour. Patient Capricorn is good at persevering through almost any task. Although they hide it well, those born under this sign can be quite intuitive and have broad shoulders with which to take on problems.

Stars and Constellation
Potency, Lust, Offering, Stable, Consume

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