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Terms of Service - Chapter 3 by Rufellen

Terms of Service - Chapter 3

Lyrics © Stratovarius

The grand entrance hall was full of people, chattering away happily as they gathered in clumps to say hello to friends only to break apart and form new groups. Stardust watched all of this quietly from the edge of the room. Holding a glass of complimentary punch in his hands the lavender and purple raccoon wall-flowered hard.

He'd accepted the invitation Nido had offered because he couldn't say no to that rabbit. Now he was wondering if he'd been here long enough to leave yet. This many people, all dressed in wild costumes… it was all too much. He'd nearly bottled it out on the lawn when he'd seen what Nido had done to his house. This magnificent gothic pile of amazing architecture, bright lights and Halloween decorations was something else. Tugging on the jacket of his police uniform he tried to move for the door, he'd say a quick hello to Nido then leave. He'd got less than a third of the world through the crowd when he was caught up in a sudden hug.

“Hey man,” his captor slurred in an atrociously fake reggae accent, “Stardust ya made it, that be might brave of ye coon face.”

Looking up the expanse of green fathered arm to a bright orange beak and blue feathered head Stardust relaxed a bit. It wasn't a wild party guest out to feast on his souls, it was Frysco dressed in the most outrageous outfit he'd seen yet. Flowing multicolored silk robes engulfed his body and a hat of piled fruit balanced atop his head. His gorgeous wings were bedecked with glimmering streamers of reflective metal ribbons.

Laughing Stardust relaxed, “What the hell are you wearing Frysco?”

“Aw man don't ya be calling me Frysco, Yer Majesty be tha’ correct form of address coon face,” he took a step back and pulled a pair of maracas out of his belt and started to shake them. His hips swaying and lights glittered off his wings as he swayed back and forth, “Ah be the Carnival Queen dontcha know, here ta lighten the evening with me hoodoo.”

Laughing Stardust folded over giggling, “You look like a tit.”

Shimmeying closer the big tropical bird danced against the raccoon, shaking maracas, “Made you laugh though,” he chirped in his usual voice, “Nido said you were coming and I promised to look out for you.”

“That was really kind of him but there is truly no need,” Stardust blushed, fiddling with his punch glass, “I’m fine and don't want to he a burden to anyone during the party.

“Nonsense it is no bother, I bet you were already trying to leave,” Stardust blushed at that and Frysco nudged him in the elbow, “See, that's it yer partying with me.”

Opening his mouth to reply Stardust’s voice was drowned out by the sudden chord of an electric guitar. Pyrotechnic charges blew all along the length of the stairs and a bouncing drum beat suddenly erupted into existence. The blasting power chords were accompanied by a figure suddenly dancing their way down one wing of the stairs. It was Nido, at least he thought it was Nido it was hard to tell. His costume was so wild, he had long curled ears, whorls of white and blue fur paint and a wild, wicked looking muzzle. He was wearing some sort of springy leg suit and a snug fitting velvet jacket that flapped open as he grooved. The music thumped it's tune, the crowed cheered as the rabbit danced his way down the stairs, singing in time to that rocking beat.

“When I was young and life had only just begun, The days were long and bright, So warm and full of light, I never knew that one day you would fade away, Your colors fade to gray, It seems like yesterday”

Dancing off the end of the stairs he started bouncing from side to side, dancing with guests as he continued to sing. His eyes were wide, his body twisted and jived and Stardust found himself tapping one foot in time to the beat. “Still you're shining in the dark, You're still safe within my heart, Where my memories lie and I will follow you, Wherever you go!”

It was infectious, upbeat and fast, Frysco was dancing by his side, maracas spinning in his hands as he grooved. Shivering at the tingle the bass caused along his spine Stardust raised one hand and pumped the air as he belted out the chorus, his voice merging into the wild melange of everyone. “I am what you made of me,Your blood is my blood, and your heart is my heart, We are what we leave behind, An eternal stream,You flow through me!”

It was amazing, the lights, the music and hidden in the back of the verses another pair of voices One male and one female they blended perfectly with Nido’s as he sang the second part of each verse, “And I fear no more though you're gone, I know we'll meet again, I know you're there, still somewhere, You are waiting!”

Staggering slightly at the force of the song coursing through his veins Stardust looked around at everyone else as Nido strutted through the crowd singing. Everyone was smiling, dancing and grooving and as Nido span past Stardust suddenly found his hands grabbed and his feet moving as he danced with the crux. Nido sang, a wicked smile covering his face as he led the raccoon through the groove, “You are the mystery that only I can know, The gentle wings that blow, The glitter on the snow, I never speak about you, Never say your name, It's not that I don't care, It's just that I'm not there!”

On that last word the crux… it was definitely a crux not a costume, let go of Stardust and the racoon was spun back into Frysco’s arms. “You're still gone and I'm still here ,Yet I always feel you near, Wherever I go!”

Something wasn't right, something… the thought faded and Stardust’s arm pumped the air as he stomped on the ground and threw his head back, “I am what you made of me,Your blood is my blood, and your heart is my heart, We are what we leave behind, An eternal stream,You flow through me!”

Shaking out of the chorus Stardust staggered a bit, looking around wildly for support he found none… no there; the cream rabbit dressed as a Princess. She … he was looking how Stardust felt. Something was off, the polar bear two people over felt it too, he had taken of his glasses and was looking confused. Stardust raised a hand to try and get their attention but no... the beat… it demanded his attention. Looking around he was in time to see Nido leap up onto a rising platform. The column eased its way into the air as the crux danced a circular jig, turning constantly to face the crowd. It was gone, there was only the song!

“Still you're shining in the dark, You're still safe within my heart, Wherever you are!”

Two magnificent creatures descended from above on a wave of pyrotechnics! Snakes… no coatl, with magnificent wings; one black with green eyes, the other white with mismatched purple and yellow. They coiled eighteen feet of scaled and feathered snake body around the pillar, wings spreading wide to frame Nido, smooth snek heads nuzzling each other as the chorus rose again. Streams of sparks fell and Stardust cheered, voice booming out the chorus as he joined arms with Frysco and the person next to him. Arms linked they formed a circle and started spinning left as the circle in front went right.

Spinning madly, feet moving in perfect time with those on either side Stardust cheered as the crux belted out the final verse. “And I fear no more though you're gone, I know we'll meet again, I know you're there, still somewhere, You are waiting!”

A flash blinded the whole crowd a that last word was sang! The drums cut out, the guitars stopped and the lights pulsed as synthesised music trickled onwards, bringing the song to an end. By the time Stardust blinked his eyes clear the two long scaled snake creatures were gone.

Nido was back on the stairs arms spread wide and grinning, “Thank you everyone and welcome! The bar is open, the Mirror Maze’s doors are wide open and the party is on! I’m your host Kalido and tonight shall be a Halloween to remember!”

He leapt into the air, rolling through a backflip, tail streaming out behind him and then another flash of light, a rumbling thunderous beat and he was gone and the crowd cheered!

“That was amazing,” Frysco exclaimed slapping Stardust on the back, “I knew Nido had some big plans for his party but damn me did you see those snake things?”

“Yeah,” Stardust grinned, his thick tail dancing back and forth in time to the music, “It was one hell of an intro,” looking around he spotted a group of people heading up the stairs toward a set of stained glass doors that had been thrown open, “Shall we go try that mirror maze out?”

“Sure thing mon,” Frysco teased shaking his maracas, “Let’s parteh!”


Dark twisting passageways, lined with onyx panels that duly reflected the green and red lights shining from hidden spot lights over-head. Lights that made the fog that filled the maze glow softly, thickening the coils and streamers that oozed across the floor of the maze. It was atmospheric and perfect ambience for the twisted series of sealed passageways that made up the maze. Random turns, junctions and alternative paths made up the route with enough options that after five minutes Frysco and Stardust were alone.

It was quiet also, the hubbub of voices and music from the hall had died away as they penetrated deeper into the maze. Moving around a series of twisting turns the pair came face to face with two other people without warning. Letting out a yelp Stardust grabbed Frysco’s arm then sheepishly laughed as he realised it was their reflection. A panel of clear, silver glass blocked the tunnel. It threw back distorted images of themselves. Both of them immeasurably fat, rotund stomachs created by the curvature of the glass.

“That’s pretty good,” Frysco said with a grin turning away from the glass to look back the way they came, “Holy… how the fuck did he do that?”

Stardust turned and gaped, the way back had changed! Instead of a series of twisting turns there was now a single straight path curving forwards. Stardust shrugged and adjusted his police officer's hat, “Movable walls?”

Shrugging his green feathered shoulders Frysco started forward with a lopsided grin for Stardust. Opening his mouth to speak he chirped in alarm as something slithered along the onyx wall to their left. It was the black scaled coatl, all dark feathers, undulating body and bright eyes. It flowed beneath the surface of the wall keeping pace with them. It didn't look their way however and Stardust gaped as it dropped deeper into the wall and slithered around a corner.

“They must be video screens,” Frysco exclaimed running his talon shod fingers over the smooth onyx, “That’s really cool.”

Stardust left Frysco examining the wall and peered down the tunnel the snake had taken. For a second he thought he saw someone else. A pair of kicking legs, wide panic filled eyes, a body wrapped up in black scaled coils. Hurrying towards the person in trouble Stardust called out only to run slap bang into a cool sheet of onyx. There was no sign of the coatl or guest… had he imagined it… or was it a video on the screen? He screamed as someone touched his shoulder and span around. Freezing with his hands raised to defend himself Stardust blushed as he stared up at Frysco’s beaked face.

“Sorry, I thought I saw… something… this place is spooky.”

“It’s meant to be spooky, but ok come on let's find the exit,” Frysco flapped his wings and smiled, “I could do with a cold one about now “

Minutes passed, their footsteps grew louder and more frequent as they picked up speed. Left, right, straight ahead, doubling back… right, right, right, dead end… left, left, left… Trying every combination they could think of for solving a maze they were stymied at nearly every turn. Brightly polished mirrors blocked their way and the path changed behind them. There were also more sightings of the coatl, always sliding along beneath the smooth onyx walls, darting somewhere else.

Turning around one corner Stardust darted forwards, shouting warning to the brown rat. He was creeping cautiously towards then dressed in a rogues outfit. He didn't seem to hear or see Stardust and the raccoon thumped into a wall after a few steps. Staggering backwards he stared dumbfounded at the images on the onyx wall. The rat was creeping along, the black mask tied around his eyes giving him a roguish appearance alongside his black goatee.

“Aw man that's Quix,” Frysco muttered dodging past Stardust to thump on the wall, “Why can't he hear us… what is this… oh fuck…”

Stardust whimpered, the white snake had just pounced out of nowhere and coiled around the rat. He struggled and yelled, beating on the snake's coils. The smooth white snake head lowered, wings beat slowly and mismatched eyes fixed on the rat’s. Quix’s struggles started to slow as his gaze was caught up in the snake’s eyes. He lowered his arms and hung limply in the coils of his captor. Vacant eyed and lost he stared at them, a silly smile on his brown face as he was lowered gently to the ground on a bed of coiled snake flesh.

“What’s it doing to him!” Stardust asked in a quiet voice, “How can we see… oh god…”

Quix’s eyes slowly lidded, his jaw hung open, drool oozing down his muzzle. For a moment he came back to himself, shaking his head and started to fight, tearing his gaze away from the snake. Her thin tail wrapped itself about his head and forced him to look back into her eyes. Quix squeaked loudly and then their eyes met and he melted into her grip. Moment passed, snake and rat stared at one another and then his body started to change. His leather tunic ripped off as his shoulders expanded, trousers shredded as he grew large and his thief mask fluttered free. Bumping into the wall Stardust gave a jump, he hadn't realised he was backing away. Now there was nowhere to go… the white snake slithered off leaving Quix to finish transforming. He had ruddy red hair now, a big spiky mane that covered his broad shoulders. Falling forwards onto all fours he roared… dim, dumb animal eyes in a giant wolverines face. He had huge clawed paws, a shuffling step and thick rugged fur, there was no trace of the rat beyond a few tatters of cloth. His eyes though… whatever spark of intelligence that had been there was gone. Suddenly his head came around and Frysco stumbled forwards as his fist passed through where he had been beating it against the wall moments before. The wall was gone. There was just a corridor full of dumb wolverine monster… Stardust squeaked and fled, darting right down the corridor, he had to get away from that beast! This Halloween was not going at all as he had expected, it had just gotten terribly real!

Terms of Service - Chapter 3


Welcome friends Adalore Adalore and I would like to invite you to join us for Halloween this year, come, the invitations have been sent out. The RSVPs have been received, it's time we talked about... the Terms of Service.

Guest starring Quixote Quixote

The stars this year are
Adalore Adalore
buckdasystem buckdasystem
Nidonocu Nidonocu
Azimuth Azimuth
Kaed Kaed
Erakir Erakir
MapleGleam MapleGleam
magirazor magirazor
prowler7 prowler7
Frosttwolf Frosttwolf
lapseph lapseph
flintypaws flintypaws
chazfox chazfox
twll twll
stardustfur stardustfur
Bungle_Bear Bungle_Bear
frysco frysco

Submission Information

Literary / Story


  • Link

    Oh geeze that was unexpected X#D
    Thank you! <3

    • Link

      Well I felt bad you missed the sign up!
      And you just fit perfectly for what I was writing so the fates decreed it be so!