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H-how are you so big?! by DaeBelly (critique requested)

H-how are you so big?! (critique requested)


Vivian leaned against the counter. Another quiet day in Evergreen Cafe. He sighed and stood up, turning around and looking at the menu, reading through the tea selections, his mouth watering slightly. The door's bells jingled quietly, a swollen grey dragon and a strange, tall, lanky creature entered, the former leaning against the counter and putting his hands onto the counter to support his weight. Vivian turned around. "Oh! Welcome to Evergreen Cafe. Can I get you anything, mister...?" The dragon grinned. "Alan. Or Mr. Burwick if you want to be formal about it." Vivian nodded. "Alright, Mr. Burwick. Can I get you anything?" Alan thought for a moment. "Hmm. Some tea, maybe."

The strange, alien-like creature looked in Alan's general direction. "Hey, Alan, you need to remember to not lean so much. It's not good for your back." Alan nodded. "Sorry 'bout that, Zauxir." The dragon took a few steps back and pulled back to stand up straight, his immense belly now visible to Vivian. Vivian blinked and took a step back. 'I thought I was big!' he thought, amazed. "Um... Sir, if I may ask, how many are you having?" Alan blinked, his one visible eye looking around absentmindedly as he thought. "Wasn't it... 17? Maybe more? I can't remember." Zauxir sat down at one of the tables near the counter. Vivian looked at his own swollen belly and the barely-fitting apron that his business had as required attire. "Sir, if I may share, I'm having 5. I'm not even done growing yet." Alan grinned. "Oh, I remember the last time I had just 5. That was so light by comparison, haha." Vivian grinned, growing comfortable. "Yeah, I can imagine. The tea's almost ready." Alan grinned as the cup of tea was brought to him, and he promptly paid and left with Zauxir. Vivian blinked and rubbed his temples. "Yeah, this is nothing by comparison."

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Visual / Digital