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A sky full of stars by pandapaco

A sky full of stars


Commission for my good friend Kurtt Amarok.
He's his character Kros.

The similarity with a title song from Coldplay is no coincidence.

Here the feeling I wanted to transmit is the freedom. Because I think it really is an emotional state that allows you to do what you want with your life. Even realize how small we are compared with the universe, creates a very strong emotion, and that is if we have thought about how small we are, is because we have gone out from our little box, we have come to explore, and compare actual distances, not only maps, but in physical spaces.

Do whatever we want with our lives: something very difficult to achieve but not impossible, just we need some initiative to make it happen.

(Don't make wishes to shooting stars, probably they are already dead)

Digital. Photoshop. The bike was the most difficult to do on this whole scene!!

Submission Information

Visual / Digital


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    This is a very beautiful piece. I often find myself thinking things at times when I look up at the sky at night. Sometimes, it's a good feeling, and other times it's solemn. But however you look at it, you realize the expansion of the universe and space around us and that nothing is ever impossible. Improbability? It's all how you look at it. The way I see it, you make it happen because of your drive and will. I think I'll go stargazing again one of these nights. I love looking at the stars.

    Wonderful job dude. Keep working hard. ^^

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      oh wow so deep!!
      but you're right, sometimes you think a lot about the universe looking at the stars, and suddenly it arrives many thoughts of inferiority, or grandeur that we ourselves can not not even begin to imagine

      Thank you!

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        You're welcome! ^^

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    This is really lovely!

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      Thank you very much!!