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How to make a Alola Vulpix by Tails230

How to make a Alola Vulpix


Its very simple, you take a ordinary vulpix. Catch it or bring a wild one, whichever you want, or bring you own firefox in for upgrades. (Chrome, IE not supported for this time)
Then you take the vulpix into a Cryogenic Freezer facility, filled with many cryotanks, full of nice cold, Liquid oxygen.
The vulpix wasn't behaving and wouldn't open its mouth, so we improvised.
Last, you just keep pumping the vulpix up with the cryotanks till their body turns shivering cold and they soon change into a Ice Vulpix! Each vulpix will react to this transformation and this way of getting a Alola Vulpix may be complete BS.
Thank you for reading on how to get a Alola Vulpix.
(Side Effect may include bloating.)

The minute I saw the new Alola form Pokemon and saw that Vulpix and ninetales were one of them, I had to draw them now! Then this idea just hit me like a block of ice. so I hope you all enjoy this picture. Do leave a comment, I would love to hear what you all think!

And Wow! This is my 1,000th picture on DA! Horray! :D

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